The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

I would probably focus on his actual public service in the Obama administration to understand his potential and/or biases as it relates to the S of S job. I dont really know anything about him but that seems more relevant than his private sector gig.

How many millionaires and billionaires does he have now? Maybe he will break trumps record.

How bad should I feel that I’ve never heard of Blinken and Sullivan?

Lol ok no

Recusals aren’t a thing anymore.

I get that there are all kinds of very good reasons it matters to have non-hacks in these national security positions. That said, it is hard to imagine normal people, even politically engaged people, believing that it matters much to their actual life after the Trump presidency. People overwhelmingly just want no terrorist attacks and no wars. The DC establishment types inevitably want a lot of stuff that jeopardizes or is in conflict with those two core objectives.

There’s no way a person can be familiar with every person in every Federal administration and, like, have a job.

A bunch of white male neolibs. Inspiring.


Excruciatingly white music update:

John Kerry, come on down. As special envoy on environmental issues.

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Seems like a pretty good troll, tbh

special envoy to climate change isn’t anything and kerry has kinda taken a lead on that issue

also I think with some picks (and I don’t know who most of these people even are) experience matters a lot more given how much they’re going to have to rebuild whatever those guys destroyed. I get it, everyone wants new, but look where that got us.

like I’m laughing if anyone has a meltdown over the position of “special envoy to climate change”


Something like 50% of Republicans support Medicare for All! The reason why it hasn’t happened has nothing to do with lack of public support.


I certainly don’t trust that polling lol. I’ve never seen a Republican online or in person ever support M4A, they ALL call it socialism. Like sure anecdotal, but if it really had 50% support I’d at least be seeing a few of them. And I’m not talking about in regards to supporting Bernie or w/e, but the idea of it in general.

Still I get your point and understand lobbyists are why we don’t have it. Which seeing how small dollar donors swamps wall street in donations is ridiculous. It’s all about elected representatives personal benefit. You can’t argue you need that money to win.

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Guess we’re gonna play the hits.

Oh goody Janet Yellen. STONKS

Hair cut alone disqualifies her.

ugh…so far I see ONE person under the age of ~60.

That being said, it seems that Justice Dems and Sunrise Movement both approve of Kerry as “climate envoy”:

Kerry was part of the Biden/Sanders “Unity Group” on Climate Change (or whatever it was formally called), so at least he has had some recent exposure to folks on his left.