The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Touche, that was unfair and inaccurate, and believe me, my beloved chapos have made me facepalm way more than once.

I just don’t think the primary situation is one of them. Sure there’s more nuance than ‘they stole the election’ but there’s a big part where one side is debating the ethics of murder and the other saying ‘well, I guess the one guy wanted the other guy dead real bad, what am I missing?’

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Biden out out a statement today opposing the death penalty.

You need a line break after the end bracket

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Not sure what you mean. There are several lines between the two.


[quote=“StimAbuser, post:186, topic:3125, full:true”]and refusal to actually help their base.

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In alternate HRC timeline with Garland on the bench, we might have been inching towards a supreme court tossout of the death penalty. Oh well. Maybe in another 50-75 years, when the last two remaining countries on earth to still have the death penalty are North Korea and us.

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I’d be borderline excited if Sally Yates gets nominated and confirmed, although she’ll have to recuse on at least the Flynn stuff

I am really interested to see how specifically Mitt Romney casts votes on cabinet nominees. If it’s 52-48 I’m sure we’ll get a bunch of meaningless yes votes like we saw with Collins voting no on Trump stuff that would definitely pass. But I do wonder if there are cases where we will see him (or Murkowski?) break from Mitch to cast meaningful votes.

It’s sort of a diminishing returns thing–they’ve stacked the judiciary with their judges, got their tax breaks, and aren’t going to allow any meaningful legislation to pass. What’s in it for someone like Romney to keep toeing Mitch’s line at this point compared to carving out a bit more of a space for himself? And I’m not talking about making Bernie Secretary of Labor. Something like Yates for AG, for example.

These are egotistical people, presumably they have a desire to be remembered as something other than loyal soldiers in the McConnell Machine. I could see it with younger ambitious people (e.g. Sasse), who are afraid of Mitch cutting them off. But that’s not Mitt at this point.

If there are actual good faith negotiations between Biden and McConnell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden throws a couple sacrificial lambs to the wolves with nominees destined to fail.

Bernie for Labor could be a win-win for them in the short term. Biden appeases the left by nominating Bernie, Mitch makes it a high profile fight to show his base as he lets other cabinet nominees through.

The tricky thing is Bernie isn’t an idiot and won’t want to play that game and take a massive L for the left, and VT has a Republican governor.

But don’t be surprised if someone like Yates for AG gets torpedoed and she gets a super cushy landing somewhere, or if a GND supporter is nominated for the EPA or something and gets shot down in the Senate.

The problem is you’re picturing the senate as this body where you need 50 votes to pass something. It doesn’t work like that. Mitch just isn’t going to bring any nominee to the floor he doesn’t want passed.


They don’t even try to hide their racism. Ilhan Omar, Secretary of Homeland Security. She’s not even on the Homeland Security committee in the House! Zero chance any Biden person ever floated her. Just scary Muslim in charge of Homeland, that will scare our viewers the most, throw it on the graphic.


It’s a Ben Garrison irl.


No AOC? I am disappoint.

Great lawnmower potential. Ethnic minority in every spot. I’m legit lolling at Bernie heading DOD. Just straight up trolling your own viewers.


This is…not good.

Private equity guy whose firm is chaired by John fucking Thain, yes, the guy who spent $1.2 million decorating his office at Merrill Lynch.

That’s better than a bunch of Clinton retreads.

Why not both? Here’s your National Security Advisor:

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To the degree that progressives have any chance of winning concessions from Biden, I am in favor of punting on foreign policy and focusing on trying to get something when it comes to appointments that affect economic policy.

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