The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

I’m obviously in full support of cancelling student debt. Question: If this happened, wouldn’t it create an immediate “tax bomb” for everyone? Replace $50,000 in student debt they have to play out over 20 years with $15,000 in tax liability they owe this year kind of thing?


The origin of the NHS in the UK was that an entire generation of people had transformed their entire economy and society for 5 years defeating nazis. So at the end of it they went “well fuck, if we can do that, then we can also make sure people can see a god damn doctor for free”

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If we are talking Rowen Atkinson (Mr Bean) he went to Oxford and would probably do a fine job as education secretary.


No, I meant Mr Bean the Character, not Rowen Atkinson the actor. Would still be fine with him over current ed sec obviously.

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GFY. I’m gonna hate this guy more than Trump by 2024.

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Legit question, why are you in favor of debt cancellation?

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Yes it would. But the IRS can release guidance like they have for PSLF that the forgiveness isn’t taxable income.

I guess they could write into the law or EO as well. It’s certainly never passing through Congress and based on Biden’s recent comments it looks no bueno that way too. Though he has said he’s okay with $10k forgiveness.

oops wrong thread lol

It is extremely easy to be good at Shakespeare Jeopardy questions without reading any of them.

good, sure. not top-tier.

Nah. Top-tier is easy because it is such a limited topic. It’s not hard to anticipate Jeopardy questions and stems based on the archive and know what lists to memorize. Jeopardy generally emphasizes breadth over depth. What you say is likely true for harder quiz competitions. But for Jeopardy, you could just read one page plot summaries for each with some targeted memorization, you would likely get just about any Shakespeare question they could throw at you.


This is why Donnie Dumb Dumb thinks he’s a master negotiator. He’s actually seen worse!

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Nice if you to admit your ignorance

No problem, honestly, any time

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Note the timestamp: 01/01/2021 12:53 AM EST

That’s a news dump.

Trump’s going away soon. Time for the media to start finding new conflicts to breathlessly exacerbate. Molehills are boring and don’t get clicks.

I’m sorry, are you saying that it’s a good thing that Janet Yellen has made millions speaking to Wall Street

Everybody does it, ffs…