The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

It is extremely easy to be good at Shakespeare Jeopardy questions without reading any of them.

good, sure. not top-tier.

Nah. Top-tier is easy because it is such a limited topic. It’s not hard to anticipate Jeopardy questions and stems based on the archive and know what lists to memorize. Jeopardy generally emphasizes breadth over depth. What you say is likely true for harder quiz competitions. But for Jeopardy, you could just read one page plot summaries for each with some targeted memorization, you would likely get just about any Shakespeare question they could throw at you.


This is why Donnie Dumb Dumb thinks he’s a master negotiator. He’s actually seen worse!

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Nice if you to admit your ignorance

No problem, honestly, any time

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Note the timestamp: 01/01/2021 12:53 AM EST

That’s a news dump.

Trump’s going away soon. Time for the media to start finding new conflicts to breathlessly exacerbate. Molehills are boring and don’t get clicks.

I’m sorry, are you saying that it’s a good thing that Janet Yellen has made millions speaking to Wall Street

Everybody does it, ffs…


You’re saying that the Office of Govt ethics released this stuff late on New Years so that it would fly under the radar yeah?

Not really saying that, although I’m surprised to hear that Trump hasn’t disbanded the OGE. Just saying the transition absolutely waited as long as it could to make sure it came out over the holiday/hangover recovery/long weekend. Also a little weird that Politico had someone covering that beat at that hour. Don’t wish to be too conspiracy-minded, but it is convenient.

Right, so saying that this timing is favorable to the Biden admin because it comes during a time when no one was really paying attention?

I think Skydiver sees this as a media conspiracy the other way

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The replies in this thread are seriously horrifying. Blue check liberals calling this an example of misogyny, and the wine cave billionaire bootlickers crying about how everyone does it.


Same shit, different day

This is all the same stuff. It’s so basic that it breaks my brain that self-styled smart people fail to see it. Pete and his wine cave fundraisers with billionaires. Biden asking for 250k a plate at a fundraiser. Warren dipping into the Jurvetson money bag when times got tough. Obama letting off the financial industry.

And then these liberals get mad when you say that Bernie is the only choice, because it would just be too brain melting for them to accept that basically every person in government is a money-grubbing piece of garbage. It’s just beyond the pale to think that the most trustworthy politicians are those that only accept donations from the actual people.


It kind of is, though? Like, I don’t remember the outcry about Biden’s 15 million in speaking fees: Bidens earned $15 million in 2 years after Obama administration - POLITICO I do, however, remember the outcry about Hillary Clinton’s.

Edit: Also looks like John Kerry made a lot in speaking fees… yet no outcry that I can find.

Watevs looking to start 2021 with a fight! What else is new?

Do you realize who you are talking to here because I have spent the last year getting absolutely roasted on this site for suggesting that Democratic politicians are beholden to big money in politics

I’m really not interested in your selective examples of outrage. The people who care about this stuff have absolutely been consistent in decrying big money in politics at every turn.