The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Who exactly am I fighting with here?

Actually not interested, putting this bluemaga grammar nit on ignore, goodbye forever goebs

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Yes, I know you have. However, the media hasn’t. But they and the right wing echo chamber always seem to pick up on it when it’s a strong, powerful woman. Must just be a crazy coincidence.

You just linked a media article about a man’s speaking fees

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Yeah, but it hasn’t blown up the way it always does when it’s a woman, now has it? Like, there can be two things going on here. 1. It can be misogynistic. 2. It can be a problem in any event. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

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This article is 24 hours old and you’re making broad claims about how it blows up compares to other ones, I think you’re just making shit up to prove a nonexistent point


You think the republicans and other media didn’t know about Biden’s speaking fees during the election? It only just popped up now? Really?

Edit: Actually, I don’t know what you’re talking about, the article I linked to was from July of 2019.

I’m obviously referring to the Yellen politico article that was first linked in the thread, god you are just an insufferable dolt and I’m done speaking with you.


I didn’t link to the Yellen politico article, and the Yellen speaking fees thing has already blown up way more than speaking fees stuff ever blew up about male candidates, and holy shit man, grow a thicker skin or something.

Is it Republicans who made a big deal about Hillary’s speaking fees?

Maybe Biden’s speaking fees were overlooked, but him being a favorite son of the credit card industry certainly wasn’t. Though, of course that wasn’t the criticism from Republicans.

I mean, I guess this is really hard to quantify so we’ll just argue in circles, but it sure doesn’t seem that way to me.

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Obama and Bill C. too.

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Dammit, I unblocked everyone I was ignoring in 2020 and now you are broadcasting your own list for 2021? Always one step ahead of me, wise mantis!


Instead of the media/misogyny issue, how about the story? Is it ok that the Treasury Secretary has recently received millions of dollars from Wall Street firms?

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The best we get on all things on every issue in the world is going to be along the lines of “better than Steve Mnuchin” and that’s not good enough.


I mean, I disagree with how you phrased your question. As phrased, sure that’s a problem. If your question was: Is it ok that the Treasury Secretary has recently received millions of dollars in speaking fees from Wall Street firms, I don’t really have a strong opinion either way tbh.

This is why rules don’t work.

I have no idea what this means.

Well, I’m reading the thread, aren’t I?

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I meant it to be a little cryptic, but I think you can get it.

I meant it sorta for @JohnnyTruant, and I’m pretty sure he gets it.

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I think you’re accusing me of being a troll, which in turn is quite trollish behavior tbh. I’m debating in good faith, fwiw.