The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Iron law of institutions. Depends heavily on the state but inevitably truly insane money gets shipped off to retirees, administrators and union executives while the rank and file have to spend their own money on supplies (and the benefits will never be there for them).

Its more a question of “what are they effective at”. If they tried to get teachers enough supplies they probably could. But ultimately they are labor unions and they have been effective at pushing some bad stuff (unsustainable pension plans, protecting bad teachers from consequences).

In a message intended to fend off a rush of migrants to the southern border, the incoming Biden administration announced on Tuesday that it would not immediately reverse the restrictions imposed by President Trump that have effectively halted asylum and left thousands of people stranded outside the United States.

Transition officials, speaking to reporters on the condition of anonymity to discuss for the first time plans for the border, said that they would eventually resume processing of asylum seekers at ports of entry along the border. But those officials said that initially, only a limited number of migrants would be allowed to have their claims heard.


best we can hope for is kids in cages getting soap and toothpaste now.


joe WOULD formally propose a change, but the guys on the other side of the aisle gave a stern look and dismissive head shake, so, we’re gonna keep it

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what the absolute fuck

worried??? fucking fuck yourself


Trump is an existential threat, a wannabe dictator and the most evil racist ever known. But lets not be too rude.



Honestly Betsy Devos is so absolutely horrid that he could have nominated Mr. Bean to be Education Secretary and I’d be like

tangentially transition-related:

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Let’s go to the Unstuck Centrist Brain Trust on this one

@smrk4 “I noticed that a few of Unstuck’s notorious Bernie fans are saying that Pete/Biden won’t do anything about kids in cages”

@Nononocantsleep “Please consider that others might be as passionate about getting kids out of concentration camps as you are about medical insurance.”

@clovis8 “These people don’t actually care about helping kids in cages. They only care about saying they care about helping kids in cages.”

I assume that my pony is dead and that these three people have already posted this link in the forum and are already attempting to move Biden left. There’s no chance that the third person in particular isn’t a massive hypocrite that wasn’t just trying to score some points? Oh well.


First, I’m liking your post, I don’t have a problem being @'d respectfully about a possibly very bad take. I’m not even going to try too hard to argue that you’re wrong, although you probably are, but windmill it in my face if I’m wrong.

Second, I’m not even sure if the current administration is still separating children from their parents. They may have been sued into stopping, I don’t recall, it has not been discussed that much recently. I had thought the current administration made an effort to reunite some families, but because of the psychopathic and slapdash manner in which they separated them in the first place, it is practically impossible to find the actual parents. In the tweet you linked, I don’t see anything about child separation. If Biden is reneging on promises concerning other asylum policies, then that’s pretty bad. I’d give him more than one day on the job before I judge him as total fraud on the issue, but not much longer than that.

Lol, first of all. But I’ll happily throw 5k on the table if you genuinely believe that Biden and Trump will be equivalent monsters re: immigrant children. Loser can donate to

My expectations for Biden are bad. But they are thousands of miles better than my expectations for Trump. I wish we had Bernie too, man.

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lol is Biden planning on doing anything as president? It’s going to be a long four years and it looks like it’s going to be very hard for this country to survive but hey the US voted for an old racist again so what can we expect

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I’m guessing that nothing will fundamentally change.

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He’s going to get a shitload of Republican legislation passed to show just how good he is at bipartisanship while Mitch unrelentingly fucks him at every opportunity.




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