The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Loved him in Bachelor Party

Switched the game to easy for e9


I am all aboard the 10 episode season boat.

What I hate is HBO drawing out the pacing of episodes 3 through 9 to the point you wonder if anything will ever happen and then they kick it up to Fast and Furious pacing in the last episode. Game of Thrones refined this strategy to perfection all the way to that insufferable final season/episode.


A lot of these series should be compressed into a single 2 hour episode imo.


Yellowjackets did this as well. A couple strong episodes to start followed by a dull grind in the middle. I almost bailed on the show but it picked up again in the last two or three and hooked me in for season 2 (I’m an easy mark).

In the case of Yellowjackets they probably would have been better served cutting it down to 6 episodes.


a small takeaway about TLOS

based off of reading this The Last of Us: The HBO show’s Season 1 finale makes a disastrous choice.

that has a lot of complaints that are mentioned here, that Joel just mows down people, but I think why the ending didn’t hit as hard as the game’s did was because 20 years ago long form storytelling whose protagonist makes a morally ambiguous choice as the games’ final act wasn’t as big of a thing in big budget games. It is / was the bread and butter of prestige TV though. So for a game to do that, to have the player invest the hours and then “force” them to take Joel’s course of action and then the put the coda on it on the final cut scene was impactful storytelling for a game, but for a prestige TV show a bit of been there done that.

That’s not to say it wasn’t a bad show, just how different the endings hit between the game and the TV show.


Same with Perry Mason S1 imo and also the latest season of The Boys

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Just like some movies should have been a short film or episode of Black Mirror. Just listened to the Flop House podcast episode on Don’t Worry Darling and that was a great point if they were going to keep the “twist.”

I’m kinda nervous though to check out the old movie version of The Handmaid’s Tale, even though the show hit the lol pacing phase for me in season three.

Every show should just be a 30 second TikTok.


I wish.

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The trouble isn’t the art. It’s the consumer. Us. We have the attention spans of gnats and have been conditioned to think that “genre shows = action action action!”

I guarantee you that shows like TLOU have zero “filler” episodes. The difference is, we fail at recognizing emotional action as action, when more often happens in the slower, character-driven episodes that affects the overall story than the ones with hordes of zombies overrunning the towns or giant fights between good and evil, etc.

What could have been added to the finale to make it not feel rushed? Play the game and you’ll see that what took 3-4 hours to get through really only has about 15-20 minutes of actual story. They already added 10 minutes of stuff not in the game, and I thought the way they did the hospital scene was brilliant for the television medium.

His name…is Mark Kermode! I think he has a TikTok :face_with_monocle:

Maybe split into two episodes, one where there is a clearer connection to Ellie’s final state of mind from her state of mind at the end of the last episode. It seems like she went: traumatized → pets a giraffe → not traumatized a little too quick. Perhaps a more natural pacing would be to have Ep 9 flesh out Ellie’s dealing with the end of Ep 8, and the great daddy/daughter stuff. Then Ep 10 is them encountering the Fireflies and maybe expand on that so we’re not so in the dark what’s going on with them.


That’s not the audience’s problem, that’s the guys writing the show’s problem. Source material doesn’t have enough story to make the ending feel properly paced? Figure it out writers, that’s why you make the big bucks. And if they can’t figure it out?



Watched the Last of Us finale, was pretty underwhelmed. Others above have said it better than me, but it felt stupid and just a mess. I can definitely understand if people with a closer connection to the source material appreciated it more, but it fell quite flat here and was the weakest episode I think.

Overall the show has been ok but nothing special imo, 7 out of 10 or something. A bit overhyped for sure, but I’ll watch season 2.


Given that there appears to have been nothing about Willow itt since this February 5th post, it will come as little surprise to many of you to learn that Disney has canceled it after one season.

Season three premiere of Superman and Lois is impossibly good. How on (an alternate) Earth is a CW show this cool?

Yeah, I was hoping Williow would be okay but every review says it’s terrible.

Good week for TV fans, Ted Lasso S3 and Lucky Hank both premiering this week