The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

And thats fine. Especially early on. Gilligan WANTS people to be on Walts side probably up until the point he lets Jane die. But people in S5 saying “Walt just wants to provide for his family, why wont Skyler forgive him” are wayyyyyyyyyy missing what the writers intention is

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exactly and this is what I used to argue with people about that would be mystified how I could cheer for walt so deep into the show (like seriously til the end, it was fucked up) but I totally saw what Gilligan was trying to do there, exactly what you said. He tries to frog boil you into being on walt’s side and then shock you with horror when you realize you’re with the bad guy. I was like fuck it, I’m all in dude, let’s see where this rollercoaster ends. i think it’s a fine way to enjoy something as long as you’re completely aware how fucked it is.

these people mystify me though because there is no such depth or meaning whatsoever in the writing. They literally globbed on to this character because hes a fascist piece of shit. lol.

ETA: holy fuck I just only now realized I forgot there was a new season of better call saul. brb 8 hours. god there’s been such a glut of good tv

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Oh shit you havent watched the first half of S6? Its soooooo good

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Speaking of The Boys, who is ready for HEROGASM??

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The Clone Wars is some of the best star wars content ever made…most of it is better than ROTJ, for sure. There is a reason Ahsoka Tano is one of the best-loved Star Wars characters now…becase she is literally the character with the most story content and best arc of any of them. Because they had time to flesh her out.

And you didn’t like Rogue One? It was great!

Have you not seen the Mandalorian?

hard disagree. I love seeing more stories in this universe with new characters, old favorites, and all the interesting places they can come up with.

What was the galaxy like immediately after Order 66? Now I have canon content that shows how the empire takes over, how they go from a clone army to stormtroopers, and what happened to the cloning program at all (The Bad Batch).

What exactly were those Clone Wars Obi-Wan referred to in A New Hope? he fought with Luke’s father in them? How? why? And why the hell did Anakin fall so easily to the dark side? All answered in the Clone Wars.

How did the Rebellion transform from individual cells operating on single planets/systems into a galaxy-wide fighting force strong enough to even attempt to fight the empire? Who were the leaders? What about new force sensitive kids…why were there supposedly so few? (Guess what Rebels is about?)

Fleshing out back story isn’t “fan service.” Fan service is pointless cameos or shoehorning things in where they don’t necessarily belong, just to get them in there.

Even before the prequels came out, my dad and I used to discuss how the original trilogy wasn’t really Luke’s story, or Leia’s, or the Rebellion’s. It was the story of Anakin Skywalker. The “Skywalker saga” (at least episodes 1-6) are Anakin’s story, which, even though the actual movies weren’t that good, the story of the prequels was one that needed to be told, imho.

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Is the Clone Wars on Disney+? I’ve generally agreed with your Star Wars takes, but I haven’t watched that.


THAT was an excellent fucking episode of television

It is. I highly recommend watching them in chronological order, which is not release order. Also, the thumbnail on D+ says “the final season” but all seven are there.

Here’s the list, straight from Disney:

Also, once you get there, the final four episodes (7x9-7x12) can and should be watched back to back for maximum heart wrenching effect. 7x10 includes one of the top 3 lightsaber fights in the entire franchise (it’s made with mo-cap to give it extra weight and realism)

@skydiver8 shared this last time, and I found it super helpful. If you don’t want to go through the whole series then this has it arranged chronologically with yellow meaning a good episode and blue meaning a can’t miss episode.

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Yeah, there are definitely a lot of filler episodes, but of course, Dave Filoni is kind of an evil genius in that some small thing in a filler episode in season 1 will turn out to be super important later on.

I limited my comment to the skywalker centric movies.

On board with Jyn and Mando. And it’s not that I don’t enjoy most of the other stuff, I just don’t worry too much how it connects. I really enjoyed Obi-Wan but it’s better to not think about it too much in the context of ANH.

I need to watch clone wars. The cartoon part is a bit of a hill for me. I don’t know why.

R1 is the best movie outside the OG trilogy. As a high school senior on a date, I love the Ewoks for reasons entirely not connected to the Star Wars story. Every girl in that theater melted over them. Nuff said.

It’s a stupid block I have too. Anything live action, I’ll always watch the day of, but I’ve seen hardly any of the animated stuff. Which is a big leak, b/c it’s mostly pretty good and fills in a ton of gaps.

I’m gonna start reading a couple books as well. Darth Plagueis soon and then probably the Leia book.

I read the Thrawn stuff way back when it was released and loving it, but hardly remember it now and I’m not sure if it counts as lore anymore. I think they’ve rewritten the character a bit in some of the cartoons.

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Are you talking about the whole EU or just Kenobi? I was only talking about Kenobi.

In terms of the whole EU, maybe I am kind of a hater at this point but if it doesn’t even have enough effort to be live action I can’t be bothered with it, and I kind of treat anything prequels-related as so shitty in and of itself that additional backstory is meaningless to me. Like why would I care about order 66, a stupid concept that took place in the middle of an abomination that I want to pretend never happened. I never understand why fans give credence to “canon” that clearly took a Lucas dump amount of time to come up with.

I think I really only like the original three movies and Rogue One. I enjoyed Mandolorian and Boba Fett was okish. I honestly don’t even really want to see anymore canon relating to the main arcs in 4-6 at this point. Just do something new.

If its so good why not make it live action. How can you mentally treat characters in live action cinema the same way as budget pixar ones? It’s not like there’s a master comic book collection with a cohesive vision, it’s just some shit that’s pulled out of a suit’s ass depending on who has licensing at the time.

Appreciate I may be wrong here but I struggle to shift my thinking on this.

This makes sense creatively but commercially it’s really clear that they benefit from going back to the well over and over again with bankable characters.

I think the counterpoint to this is that with animation you have literal total control over what’s on the screen. If anything, live action has been drifting toward de facto animation with all the green screening and digital characters. At least with animation you don’t have the awkward interaction of real actors with what they are pretending is there but isn’t really there.

It seems like that’s what they’re doing to some degree. A bunch of characters who were mostly only in cartoons before have started appearing in live action, and if you didn’t follow the cartoons, then you missed out on most of the backstory. And also Ahsoka, of course, who was fleshed out in the cartoons, made a couple appearances in Mando, and is now getting her own live action series.

It’s not like “convert iconic and objectively great animated characters to live action” is an easy task with guaranteed great results. Cowboy Bebop is a great animated series and a terrible live action show.

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Yeah, I appreciate that and I’m sure that those cartoons have some good content/characters. I just struggle with them informing what I think of as actual canon unless its specifically referenced in the live action versions especially since they will inevitably end up being tweaked or disregarded depending on the movies. This is sort of the opposite of something like Batman where the comics are canon and the movies just more or less riff on them. Here they started as movies so whatever fanfiction goes on in the background needs to make it to that level first. Aren’t there also like 100 star wars books written by randos? How do those fit in here? Are they just considered fanfiction?

This Korean remake of Money Heist looks like fun. I love heist movies/shows.