The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

OK I guess I have to watch this Obi-Wan show now.

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Iā€™ve been watching the Essex Serpent on Appletv+. Itā€™s a pseudo Victorian show with a sci-fi element. I like historical shows like this and I like sci-fi, so itā€™s a good match. Show is ok. Has Claire Danes and Loki.

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Honestly, i think this one might be better binged, so waiting was a good idea. Thereā€™s a lot of stuff in early episodes that pay off later, but when the episodes came out, didnā€™t seem to make sense.

The part of the fight where Obi-Wan slices off the helmet and talks to Vader is a direct parallel to a scene from Rebels where Ahsoka duels him. The emotional impacts are similar, too, as itā€™s when Ahsoka first learns that Vader is/was Anakin

Yes. The wife is out for a bit this afternoon. Not a SW fan or of loud TV so Iā€™ll be watching home alone on the big TV based on the hyperbole itt.

Watched ā€œFirst Killā€. At first the imdb rating was bad, then there was outrage because people seemed to hate it because there were lesbians in it and now its above 6.x. Overall underwhelming. The plot is kinda confusing: vampires, monster hunters, ghouls, witches or whatever this lost brother is doing. There wasnt a real plot line to follow. I thought it could be hunting down the ghoul that ripped the boy in school but it was mostly about these two families. And then in the final episode the sister gets blamed by her little sister for something she didnt start. The boys wanted to kill her not her fault that they failed. Its just dumb and childish how it plays out. Also nobody seemed to notices after Juliette killed the one guy and drained him that she finally had her first kill for real. The whole time she needed pills to feel good.

I third the comments on OWK VI.

Lol donā€™t unless youā€™re a super fan and you would have already seen it if so. Itā€™s awful.

I saw a comment that this is the downside of using the Volumeā€¦they canā€™t really do fast chase scenes because thereā€™s just not enough spaceā€¦and moving the scenery behind them would just look like greenscreen all over again.

Hello there


the kenobi finale wasā€¦ ok. I wonā€™t spoil anything other than to say it was slightly better than previous episodes


Kenobi final was pretty good, but ultimately Iā€™d give the series a 6/10 if ANH didnā€™t exist and a 4/10 knowing it does.

I donā€™t buy that the Emperor would give up hunting Obi-Wan, knowing heā€™s about the only big threat to the Empire. Obi-Wan wouldā€™ve killed Vader, especially b/c heā€™s made peace with the fact that heā€™s Vader and no longer Anakin, plus he cares deeply for Leia and would want to eliminate a threat to her. He literally said ā€œone of us must dieā€ before the final Vader v. Obi encounter. Leiaā€™s reactions to Obi also make zero sense in ANH given their relationship here. All those aside, I just think the overall quality seemed like a step down from the other series weā€™ve seen.
Ultimately, I think this series shouldnā€™t have dealt with Luke and Leia at all and only briefly mentioned Vader, so Iā€™ll consider S2 to be the real S1 with (hopefully) new characters and stories for Obi-Wan.

Mandalorian 9/10
Boba Fett 6.5/10
Obi-Wan 4/10

Iā€™ll still eat up anything Star Wars live action that comes out, but interest was kinda waning in Obi-Wan, and with Boba I was digging the backstory they were building with the Raiders, then they threw it away and changed gears.

I think Andor starts at the end of August, so my goal now is to get through Rebels before then.


Having all these vehicles airing one after the other is also meh.

Find me Lukes love child.

I thought about this a bit and think it makes sense. the emperor is hubris personified, he (probably correctly) does not see the jedi as a threat because heā€™s spent over a decade genociding any force sensitive he can find and 99.9% of the jedi are dead. as far as not killing vader - he wasnt capable of it, and the show made mention at least one time that it didnā€™t seem like he even wanted to kill anakin at all.

i think itā€™s more complex than it seems - I think kenobi found peace in that duel in knowing heā€™d finally ā€œbeatenā€ anakin/vader. even more is resolved by anakin (quite surprisingly) telling him it wasnā€™t his fault. it was a consistent theme in the prequels how insanely competitive they were and often jealous of each other for various reasons. i even have a little fan theory that kenobi may have been in love a little bit with padme. it was a dick move but he is a dick even in ANH - he barely shows luke how to use a sword and then just peaces the fuck out except for some random ghost advice here and there. it seems ben in ANH has little interest in doing much until he hears leia is in danger (which adds up now) and then he selfishly recruits luke to achieve his own ends.

this isnt a new thing Iā€™m thinking up now, in the EU it was a nauseatingly persistent theme amongst lukeā€™s internal musings about how fucked up it was what yoda/ben did to him. i dont think kenobi comes off as a hero here nor is he supposed to - I think itā€™s a story about a guy that had a really rough life and finally found his peace.

iā€™d be hesistant against judging this stuff too harshly based on the old filmsā€™ content. a big reason the EU took off like it did was it filled a ton of plot holes those films had. for instance a question Iā€™m asking myself over and over the last few days is how the FUCK did vader know luke was his son? like Iā€™ve gone back and watched now and I swear itā€™s like all of a sudden he just knows and it isnā€™t clear how or why. a long time ago the explanation was he could ā€œsenseā€ it (dumb, why couldnt he figure out leia was his daughter til the end of ep VI then?) or that his name was ā€œskywalkerā€ (in a vast galaxy i assume surnames are gonna be pretty common, given that anakin was born to a skywalker it wouldnt be too crazy to assume thereā€™d be others around that area with that name) or he recognized the lightsaber (most likely but that still barely makes sense). still though itā€™s not really explained and the films give you the impression he knew the entire time.

I just take a deep breath, the only things that matter in the skywalker story are ANH, TESB, ROTJ. Everything else is just fan service.

Every single thing it attempts to add more explanation to is better left to the imagination. We donā€™t need context for egghead Vaderā€™s skull dent or Leiaā€™s holster. Thereā€™s not a single part of this show that meaningfully shifts or adds insight into any character backstory. It doesnā€™t have any impact whatsoever on any story arc except to cheapen them. -100/10.

Look at how fucked up you are now

this is so hilarious. i tend to love villains in shows when theyā€™re complex but this guyā€™s a real transparent piece of crap and i have a hard time believing this is real.

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The guy who points out that people who think Homelander is a good guy are also likely the same people who thought Skyler was wrong for being against Walt in BB is spot on.

lol well I hated skyler and sympathized with that viewpoint, but I was well well well well fucking aware that I was on team bad guy