The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Currently going through a SNAFU with the cable/internet company. We had a 100 megabit plan plus “extreme HD” package plus free HBO Max. We were looking into upgrading internet to gigabit. When I got home from my run yesterday, my wife said “great news, the customer service person on chat helped us upgrade to gigabit and keep everything else the same and it will cost less.” Turns out they actually switched our tv package to a different one with a lot fewer channels and no more HBO Max, and set us up with a two year contract. What’s worse is that some of the channels that are listed as being in the package aren’t actually included for some reason. Thinking about just switching to YouTube TV or Hulu + LiveTV if they can’t get this sorted out.

Ended up getting a free trial of YouTube TV so I could catch the final round of the US Open. Works fine, and if the monthly fee was about half of what it is I’d become a permanent subscriber.

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i quite enjoyed wayne’s world when i watched it on cable tv as a kid. i loved austin powers when it came out and i was like 10 years old. austin powers 2 i liked okay but less so. didn’t see austin powers 3. didn’t see any of the shrek movies. but i see a new netflix series The Pentaverate by him so i figured why not i’ll give it a shot.

first thing i notice is mike meyers is portraying multiple characters, which i don’t like. but i’m watching it anyway, it’s a big goof. it’s about a secret society that’s been guiding history for centuries and an aging canadian local tv news reporter set on an adventure to expose them. and after like episode 3 i went from tolerating it to digging it. it’s only 6 episodes tho, so it’s 3 bags of popcorn

does this reveal a lot of stuff? i find that a lot of the netflix previews show like the whole movie usually

Omg Barry doing speech-to-text like a fucking psycho

This show is next level


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…I have some unfortunate news for you about the casting of Austin Powers.


Mike Myers plays the long game:

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wow yeah and he fits it all in there. might have to bump my rating up to 4 bags

There’s a ton in it, but I wasn’t examining it for plot leads, and I’m not really that invested.

i just started last week’s kenobi without seeing the previous and i am absolutely not lost. lol @ this show.

ok i’m not reading any reviews because i kind of loved that episode and i dont want anyone ruining it

best vader fight so far hands down

continuity wise it actually plugged some holes that have existed for a long time

namely something i always kinda wondered but how the fuck did we get to yavin’s “i am your father” moment? how did vader know the whole time? was that ever addressed? i swore that it had been but even in the EU i can’t see much. it seems like he just knew and it was sheer accident they met the way they did. i really hope this show’s trying to suggest vader orchestrated the whole meeting with luke even this far back. that’d be great and actually bring something new to the always seemed in the original trilogy vader had some kind of plan to use luke to get revenge on sidious but it never was fleshed out much that i recall other than a few lines in the films.i feel like they maybe retconned that dueling scene in after fan complaints but it was very good at addressing the whole “master/student” line of dialogue inconsistency in ep IV

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please tell me im not the only weirdo staying up to watch the finale

I said yavin when I meant bespin. for absolute shame.


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ok it totally redeemed itself somehow

I know people are gonna shit on it and all over it but it actually makes sense and was entertaining and that’s all I wanted



I would have except I’m alone here this week and the dogs wake me up at 6 am, so I had to crash early.

I 100% agree with your assessment. Of course, I never thought the rest of it was that bad, either, but that’s because I didn’t go in with the expectation to see 6 episodes of lightsaber battles and spaceship blaster pew pew. Of course, if that’s what we had gotten, the same people would have complained about there being no story, so whatever.

Another lore thing that got some more explanation was Obi-Wan’s death/return as a force ghost. It nicely tied Yoda’s lines in episode 3 about how he needed training to see/become a force ghost…and the end of this implies that he went off with Qui-Gon to train how to do that…leading to the “if you strike me down…” quote in episode 4

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I’ve watched it 2.5 times now trying to find issues with it and have watched ep IV again to see any disconuities

honestly i think they somehow pulled it off. i’m very satisfied. i guess kenobi had to utterly kick vader’s ass at some point because there was no other way to explain how he could evade him til ep IV. palpatine realizing correctly that vader couldnt win and calling him off was funny. really great character development stuff finally with anakin too. im sure it’ll be made fun of but the whole scene with “anakin is gone… i am what remains” was pretty revealing to his entire character. i think they were true to anakin both i the prequels and the earlier movies. his core flaw is his competitiveness and desire to be the best and they really hammered that home. in the end, honestly, he kind of reveals what I had suspected for a long time - his transformation to vader was more than a little about power and not completely about padme as he’d have liked to have believed.

i believe you watched more of the prequel stuff than i did but i noticed obiwan take a fighting stance in the final duel that i presumed came from clone wars. that whole duel was great, one of the best they ever have done. i liked the progression of the fight - obiwan using vaders power against him and rolling with attacks rather than deflecting or resisting him, leading him into tight quarters where his large sweeping strikes wouldnt be as effective, taking out parts of his suit one at a time. just completely well done and believable. early on it felt impossible for kenobi to beat that kind of power but this just made sense.

reviews overall are coming back extremely positive

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