The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I’ve been binging the new season of Law and Order. It’s pretty terrible compared to the original.

Last two episodes I saw have basically ended up with the prosecution in an unwinnable position, and then they go from that to resolution in about 1-2 minutes. A bit of testimony, guilty verdict, roll credits.

The have all the ingredients for a decent show, they just can’t seem to put them together.

I also don’t really like any of the main characters. McCoy is his old self, but he is barely on screen. I guess Bernard is fine. Everyone else is annoying. They’re fine actors, but the characters suck.

I’m still going to see it through to the end.

I just can’t watch copaganda shows anymore. I’ll never be able to enjoy Law & Order like I did in the 90s.

Ahead of its time:

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Yeah, they leave a bad taste in my mouth too. It’s funny because you can see they do make a bit of effort to highlight some questionable stuff police and prosecutors do. But in some spots they overcompensate to a ridiculous extent. I actually think this is a huge motivation for why they wrote the new DA character the way that did.

Honestly, not even. The cops being assholes was a standard trope during the classic film noir era way before Perry Mason.

True. But PM took it to another level by making them literally incapable of getting it right once.* And Burger played the role of self-aggrandizing prosecutor without the slightest trace of self-awareness note perfect.

*film noir cops occasionally stumble into being right

Yeah it’s great. They really were blunt about it this week with Blue Hawk, so it’s doubly funny to see so many people upset because it means all of the other jabs just went over their heads. Sad!

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Do you have your TV configured for audio channels that don’t have speakers? Only thing I can think of is if you are set to surround sound and the music is only from the rear channels or something.

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Marcus Samuelson won season two of Top Chef Masters. Dominique Crenn has a restaurant with three Michelin stars, and Ming Tsai is a guy I grew up watching. I haven’t watched yet, but those names make me interested.

I know Curtis Stone mainly from hosting food competitions. I saw him having the most prominent position in an ad, so they’re probably pushing him as a pretty boy lead. I don’t know anything about Gabriela Camara, but she sounds like a very good representative of Mexican cuisine.

The Boys is so good. That is all.


I have no solutions for you, but fun fact: my screen name on a mobile game is Devereux Wigs. The jingle has become a father-son bat signal in our house.

It feels insane that Detroiters only lasted two seasons. Then again, maybe it had to happen so I Think You Should Live could be born. It’s hard to believe Tim Robinson was “that random guy who was barely in any sketches” on SNL. Shows what can happen when someone gets a chance to spread his wings and fly.


The episode with Connor O’Malley was my favorite

I need to get caught up

it’s just not the same. i’m sure they are all fantastic, but it’s hard to imagine them as being summoned like great spirits, which was the shtick in the original.

we watched the curtis stone episode. it was fine, and curtis stone looks more swole than he did when he popped out of the grocery aisle to go home with a customer (to cook for them obviously). but overall it looked like a battle of two challengers, not like someone taking on a great master.

+1. For anyone not watching, it is absolutely hysterical that the deplorables are insulted by the latest episodes. Not that we needed them to tell on themselves any more than they already have, but just lol.

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What’s the story here? I don’t watch the Boys but I delight in deplorable tears.

Racist superhero is overpolicing black neighborhoods. The main black superhero tells him to knock it off and demands he issues an apology to the community. The racist superhero gives a shitty “I’m sorry if you were offended” apology, then doubles down and says he overpolices black areas because there is more crime in black areas. The citizens call him out for his bullshit and he starts throwing them around the room and telling them to stop resisting/fighting back/etc. Goes on the news later to claim the person he severed the spine of had a weapon, yada yada yada. Pretty spot on social satire.


Lol, hadn’t heard they were pissed about that, but it’s hardly a surprise.

Yeah, I certainly saw some “Blue Hawk makes really good points, actually” posts

Haha just watched this scene on YouTube. It’s good.