The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

watched the Tony’s award show. will definitely try to watch some of those musicals and plays. Six looks pretty wild

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I am interested if we get to watch people die.

Are people watching Dark with German audio or dubbed?

I did it with German audio and subtitles


Ben Kenobi, I’m confused

So now Reva/3rd sister is going to get her own spin-off with supposedly some whole futile story of trying to get Vader? Of course after she survives a through and through light saber?

Im applying, baby!

Stars Wars definitely has a problem with characters somehow not dying.
Qui-Gon is the only one who can’t survive light saber stabs.

Dark was great but the third season was for sure the weakest. I like that they stuck to only 3 seasons so that things didn’t completely fall apart like these types of shows tend to.

I agree but I also think that it is almost always easier to establish a premise and create a good start to a series than it is to stick the landing on resolving a plot. In the real world, plots never actually resolve tidily so when you have a show with plot as complex as Dark, coming up with a conclusion will always feel somewhat contrived. I think they did about as good a job as possible.


2nd episode of Ms Marvel just as good as the first, if not better. This is exactly the right way to do representation. It’s not just one character carrying the weight of representing, and it’s woven into the bones of the show to the point where it just assumes the audience understands what they are talking about.

For example, I have seen several social media and news posts about how people are going out and researching the Partition of India just because they mentioned it in Ms Marvel. This is the exact reason why it matters so much that, rather than the typical disney “in your face stare in the camera and wink while ‘representing’ something”, they are doing it this way. Rather than forcing it, they are inviting people to learn more about a culture and history that has never been shown this way in mainstream western media.

I love it, and even if you aren’t Muslim, or Desi, or even a woman, the characters and situations are so relatable because every one of us was in high school and went through some part of her story at one time or another.

Seriously, go watch it. Even if you hate superhero stuff. As of now, It has the highest rotten tomatoes rating of ANY marvel property, including Black Panther

Also every family has a group of “Illuminaunties” :laughing:

I like but as an antitheist the normalization of a religion that is by and far very repressive of women is making me a little queasy at times. Like her friend is a very pale gal who wears heavy makeup and bright red lipstick but (they make it a point to say this) wears the hijab voluntarily? OK.

And they’re in the mosque (and pointedly again, walled off/behind the men) and the two gals are chatting away and the imam gently rebukes them and she talks back to him and nothing happens? Sure, lets go with that.

From comments I’ve seen, the portrayal of mosque life is quite realistic, even down to the shoe thief. And Nakia’s talk with Kamala in the restroom was a perfect and empowering way to explain that the hijab is her choice, not forced.

Agree or not, it’s the way it is. Making it less mysterious and scary for average white MCU fans is a good thing.

I encourage you to watch some reactions or reviews on YouTube done by actual south Asians/ south Asian immigrants. In the vast majority, they are ecstatic with the respectful and real representation of their experiences.

Yeah I’m trying to keep an open mind here for sure, I mean wtf do I know. Show itself is good just hope in the end its not all “oh btw this religion is super great! But lets not talk about the lgbt beheadings and bone saws because something something other cultures you bigots.”

The interesting thing is that the RT score is 2nd overall for Marvel properties and IMDB score is very low. I guess a bunch of freaked out whites tanking the latter.

yup, it’s been review bombed by “fans”

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Started watching the new season of Barry. The relationship between Barry and his girlfriend is hard to watch.

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lol, these people didn’t watch season 2???