The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Oh Man I got to see that. I still do that bit all the time to blank stares.

Anyone watch The Hustle on Netflix? New Adam Sandler movie on Netflix with a bunch of nba cameos, including the GOAT Boban.

Ms. Marvel is delightful. Aimed at a younger audience, sure, but the style is really refreshing and the lead actress is absolutely charming.

very cute, and if you have kids, definitely something you can watch together.

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Creators must have been playing it close to the chest with that trailer because Ms. Marvel looked absolutely awful based on it.

yeah ep 1 was good we’ll see. If Larson doesn’t have a cameo it would be a shame.

It seems like standard teen fair, which is fine I guess.

Budget limitations were apparent at some points, like how the first ever AvengerCon in NYC had about 100 people attending.

the target audience is…definitely not you. Or me. And that’s fine, I guess.

It’s standard teen fare, but the way it’s done is so much better than most standard teen fare. It’s very modern.

She might need to re-think this. In the episode where she runs a 10K, her time is kind of mediocre. Especially from a character who apparently seems to think a 10K is NBD.

Undone Season 2


This season was a bit like a coda to season 1. It wasn’t bad, didn’t feel like a waste but doesn’t continue the story, but only in a very small but satisfying way.

How so? I’m looking for a new show for the fam.

Not sure how to describe it. just the way the story is told, the visuals, the characters, the family, the school…all of it feels like a real 2020’s-era school and family. A lot of tropes are turned on their head (i.e., trope: big brother is mean and derisive, this show the big brother is nice and supportive), the vagaries of modern life are depicted really well (there’s a scene where they’re texting and the way it’s done is the most creative I’ve ever seen) and the family feels real and relatable.

You don’t even have to be a huge marvel fan to figure out what’s going on, either. Sure, it helps, but there’s a nice little recap in the beginning that’s a perfect intro to the main character.

I imagine it hits extra hard if you’re a first-generation American, especially of south Asian descent, but even if you’re as white as me, it is still very relatable.


Great description. I thought it was terrific. The colors really popped and brought it to life. The visual storytelling reminds me of the Edgar Wright Scott Pilgrim movie, which I also dug.

Yeah, they weave everything together just about perfectly.

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Yep start of season 3 I started to get really nervous. I was satisfied by the ending though. I think they landed it about as well as you can with this kind of show. A bit of deus ex machina (almost literally) but the minimum amount necessary.


Kenobi is so fucking bad wtf


I can’t believe that trench coat disguise scene happened.


This is EXACTLY what I was looking at when I posted that


I can’t believe the diehard fans are eating this garbage up.

Is it too much to hope for a Yoda appearance at this point? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You gotta remember, the Stormtroopers are basically just the local cops of Star Wars. They’re as lazy and stupid as cops in the real world. They probably would look at Kenobi sneaking a child under his trench coat and think “Uh, I’m 3 months for unreduced retirement age, I’m not going to bother”.