The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

t-mobile is offering a year of Apple Plus for free. is it worth subscribing?

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Yes. Severance, Slow Horses, and I’m sure some I’m not thinking of.

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Ted Lasso too

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Dammit, you got me excited, but then I realized it was for higher tier plans.

I don’t think episode 3 of Obi-Wan was controversial I thought it was just simply bad. The set was terrible and cheap, and people were seemingly conveniently teleporting all over the place and then conveniently not doing enough so that Obi-Wan can escape. The choreography was also terrible.

To even get to episode 3 you have to ignore how dumb the entire premise on which this series is set is. Presumably Luke and Leia have been separated at birth so that if one is somehow compromised you still have another hope. Bail contacting and showing up in Obi-Wan’s cave on Tatooine is just stupid as fuck.


if they want to really service the fans they’ll answer some age old questions that even in legends canon we only got sparse answers to.

one being, on the death star it is very obvious that obi-wan’s master plan was to die. he seems to have learned what is a sporatic and pretty rare force ability, the ghost. I think they’re hinting at it by him talking to quigonn so much, at least I hope. I’m really hoping they give some insight to why kenobi had seemingly planned his own demise so he could be a somewhat eternal mentor to luke from beyond the grave.

the old canon had some mixed explanations for it, but afaik the new official canon doesn’t have much. I read some on wookiepedia but even what exists on there is quite contradictory.

I thought this was a good recap and review of the first half of the series

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Watched 1st ep of We own this city. Enjoying seeing all these actors I haven’t seen since the Wire, and Josh Charles as violent cop is a solid casting choice. Looking forward to watching the rest.

I agree with others that something is off with the writing though. There’s a dialogue that goes more or less like

(At : Office of civil rights or something like that)

  • you better hope Hillary wins. In any Republican administration we’re never asked to do anything.
  • But Trump has no chance to win the nomination ? And even if he does he won’t win the general right ?

Forgetting that this kind of “hindsight writing” is kinda cheap, it doesn’t even make sense as is (1st person never mentioned Trump). Maybe something got cut in editing, but it’s hard to believe no one would notice this in such a big production…

The fight scenes are bad, the chase scenes are some of the worst ever, people conveniently teleporting around, and they’ve created a ton of new holes in the overall story. The only argument for it being good is “OMG VADER”. I’ll admit, I was digging a lot of the Vader stuff, the walk through the town ruthlessly killing random citizens, but they lost me somewhere during the fight. And then thinking back on how dumb it is that this version of Obi Wan somehow eludes Vader for 20 years. Also, couldn’t Vader just keep re-capturing Leia every time he wants to draw out Obi Wan? Maybe Super Mario and Bowser are based on Obi Wan and Vader??


The scene in Under The Banner of Heaven where Joseph Smith’s wife is like “fine, I guess I’m going to be getting it on with a bunch of other dudes then” and he immediately goes into a trance prophesizing that she best not is one of the greatest scenes in TV history.


Is it believable that Obi-Wan could trick Vader into believing he’s dead at the end of the series?

not really because vader is completely unsurprised when he encounters him at the death star.

but they already fucked it up because vader’s famous line is “when we last met i was but the learner, now i am the master” and it’s very difficult to reconcile that dialogue with scenes in the last episode.

There’s 3 more episodes for Obi-Wan to put Vader in his place and make him realize he still has a lot to learn. I’m sure they won’t fuck it up somehow. :roll_eyes:

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was very happy that they brought back

the “i’m squishing your head” guy

in new “Kids in the Hall”

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Obi Wan SUCKS. The shitty score is like a constant reminder that there’s absolutely no stakes and no effort. They can basically only ever do like 3 different types of story arcs in anything Star Wars these days and everything is just a facsimile of something before. Currently stuck in baby yoda/Leia mode which are basically indistinguishable storylines afaict.

Just come up with something new for once ffs, feels like we are on course to end this shitty era with a Vader v. Joker Snydervomit.

ETA - also I’m too lazy to go through all the specifics but there are so many vibes and pieces from A New Hope that just make this backstory feel so off (the way the Force is met with incredulity by every character, “now the student has become the master,” Leia’s interaction with Vader, “that’s a name I haven’t heard in [11 years?]) Stupid af.

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they’re gonna keep producing shit while it’s still profitable for them. I get extremely angry and fan groups on people try to earnestly jump through mental hoops to conclude that the episode seven through nine are good at all or even worth watching. The reason people like that exist are why this shit sucks so bad. it’s made to be easily consumable garbage that you shouldn’t think too hard about because that’s what people want. It’s a larger trend in society as a whole the last 20 years that I’ve been observing but it’s definitely a thing here

i’m a bit odd because I think there is value in having easily consumable garbage, I will get moods where I binge watch garbage reality TV and you can make arguments why that’s shitty or not, I just find value in it. I’ve come to the conclusion that expecting Star Wars to be anything other than garbage going forward as long as Disney holds the reins is probably pretty futile and will result in pain, so I enjoy it the way it is

Just rewatched the fight scene in ANH for lulz and Leia dgaf when Obi Wan dies, like heavily implied she has only heard of Obi Wan and never actually met him

The quality drop off from the mandolorian to obi wan is astonishing how they even associated at all? Bizarre. The subreddits have turned on them too they’re that bad.

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I know there are a few Magary fans here. I generally have liked the Disney offerings of late but he nails this (still haven’t seen moon knight)

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Undone Season 2

I was worried from the trailer that it would be terrible but it’s OK so far.

Shows should do more retoscoping, it’s green screening without the obviousness of the green screen.

Rosa Salazar is a great when she’s sarcastic.