The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I was very meh on We Own This City, it’s not even in the same universe as The Wire. For me a lot of the dialogue felt off. I’m not sure exactly how to explain it but it felt lifeless, like the actors were just reading out of a textbook. The bad apple cops were pretty good, everyone else had the energy and charisma of a rock.

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Really looking forward to True Detective 4 with Forest Whitaker. MUST NOT OVERHYPE.


The takehome message is that it’s very hard to create a show as incredibly good as The Wire. You can take all the right ingredients and mix them together, but it still might not pop.

Thought Jodie Foster was going to be the S4 lead?

Yeah you’re right. Just now catching up to the update released a couple weeks ago after you mentioned it.

Last I checked the rumored cast was Whitaker, Uma, Brolin, and Benicio. IMDB still has a list up from 3 years ago.

Was really hoping Whitaker would be playing detective but now reading it will be 2 female investigators with Foster the only confirmed actor.

ETA: Looks like I was going by rando fan’s imagination! LOLME (So much for not overhyping. Whitaker would be a fantasy pick of mine)

Mrs Cooler and I watched it over the course of the season. I agree with all of this. Love everything about the show.

I still have no idea whether Tucson really is a foodie place or whether they were just playing it up for the last two episodes. Maybe that’s my coastal elite bias showing.


It was pretty clear Buddha was the best chef throughout the course of the season so good on him for getting that W. Also his story about how he got the nickname is hilarious.

Tucson has always had a reputation as kinda low key hip, although I’ve been there twice and never really felt it myself. Foodie mecca seemed like a stretch, but idk. Maybe it is?

Agree that Buddha was the clear favorite by mid-season, but I really enjoyed both Evelyn and Sarah’s arcs too. Ashleigh’s was strange. I swear she was repeatedly sabotaging herself because she just wanted to go home.

Dark is my 2nd favorite show of all time behind The Wire. I have really high hopes and expectations for this.

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Very glad I stuck with shining girls.

It seems like this is it. Just a clean 8 episodes with a conclusion. I kind of like that without never ending cliffhangers to continue the story. I suppose they could do a season 2 with a different antagonist or Harper somehow regaining access to the house and have them hunt each other acrosss time.


wheres the kenobi discussion

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sorry, this thread is only for prestige TV. No lowbrow entertainment allowed.

Comic Books and Star wars are not good enough for this place anymore ;)

There’s been quite a lot of discussion, no? Usually on the day or 2 after it airs.



Dark was incredible. Ended surprisingly well too especially for this type of show.

I don’t think the last two episodes were the two best of the series.

But yeah, the show was outstanding pretty much from start to finish.

respectfully disagree, I think Vader is critical to this show and you can’t really explain how 20ish years go by without them interacting at all - there are major plot holes, of course, because disney has been r**ing the canon for years now, but overall I was pretty satisfied.

i have a small vader obsession, i dunno what it is, since i was a little kid and i watched new hope for the first time and he just walks in in the first few minutes and obliterates an entire starship crew - i was like holy fuck! i collect darth vader memorabilia, it’s like my thing.

anyway that’s all to say I’m definitely one of the fans being serviced and i was all for it, plot holes and everything.

like of COURSE the dude would be pissed off. he blames obiwan for pretty much the entire thing, now he’s a slave to the guy that fucked him over and he lost his gal and spends every waking minute in physical and mental agony. i like that they didnt make him a whiny wuss like one of the legends books they wrote about this period and his early vader days.

there were some “plot holes” i disagreed with that people tried to point out, like why didnt vader just snap his neck? because he didnt want to. he wanted to torture obiwan in the fire like he was tortured in fire. idk how people somehow missed that. he’s a cat playing with his prey. he knows he’s gonna kill him eventually, he knows he’s no real threat, he just wants him to suffer. i think that’s the angle they’re going to go for going forward because yea, i dunno as written how the fuck kenobi is supposed to avoid him for the next 15 or so years, seems pretty impossible.

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before watching episode 3 of star wars kenobi last night, i told my daughter it was controversial with star wars fans. after it was over, she asked me why it was so controversial, and i didn’t have a great answer.


Not accepting this narrative until the bots are weeded out.

the only “controversy” i’ve heard of are the incels whining like usual about a girl having a central part of the plot