The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I haven’t. I’ll check it out

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We Own This City


It wasn’t terrible, but it also wasn’t good, but it was also entertaining to some degree. My main complaints are all script related. Just so much showing and telling, no trust in the audience to understand what’s going on, and random detours in the story that don’t add much (Jenkin’s slept with hookers while his wife was on paternity leave? oh now I know he’s a scum bag ). Also this weird thing that we’re supposed to believe that he believed he was the most innocent guy on the team after 5 episodes of him being a pretty terrible guy.

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RBW are the initials of my uncle, what tv show is it?

Raised by Wolves.

Oh yeah I put that on my list from all the discussion here.

I agree completely with this. It was OK. I should also note that I do not love The Wire the way most other people do.

I found it to be pretty slow and pretty dry. Like you say though, rich characters and a nuanced story. I liked it fine, but it’s not a GOAT show for me. I feel like We Own the City is similar structurally and in its pace, except slower, drier, and generally less interesting. Also I am familiar with the IRL story that We Own This Story is built off of, which made it less compelling to me.

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For most people, this works in exactly the opposite way.

Is that true? Huh. It diminished my enjoyment of Under the Banner of Heaven as well. I’m more along for the ride if I don’t already know the basic story, and in general I prefer fiction or non-fiction and tend not to like dramatized tellings of real-life events nearly as much.

On second thought, maybe the better way to think about it is like a force multiplier. If you liked it, then the connection makes you like it more. If you thought it was bad, then the connection makes you think it was even worse.

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Bosch Legacy first ep was a pretty good follow up to the original series and way better than Lincoln Lawyer on Metflix. I see what people are saying about Maddie’s running. She seems to be imitating the T-1000’s form.

Yeah, that’s exactly what my wife and I were thinking when watching it.


What should my wife and I be watching these days?

If you’re looking for newer stuff, Severance is pretty good.


Yeah I thought this was an okay police procedural but it didn’t have any of the iconic moments that made The Wire pop. There’s no chicken nugget rant, no taking notes in a criminal conspiracy, none of the fun little things that made The Wire stick with me.

I give We Own This City 5 bags. A really interesting true story narrative. I can’t think of another show or movie that so eloquently presents a case for defunding the police

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This right here. I think the retropining on Law and Order is a bit unfair, especially before Sam Waterston’s charisma became the driver of the show.

Regardless, WOTC really zooms in in a powerful, if overly instructional way.

It’s the inverse of the Wire.