The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I really liked it too.

Reminded me of the raw, tech vibe of early Michael Moriarity Law and Order but with the brutal honesty of the issues with modern policing.

I think the timeline sequencing takes the edge off the dryness.

John Bernthal kills it as Wayne Jenkins. Gonna be looking out for McKinley Belcher III. (Didn’t realize One Piece was getting the live treatment.)

I hope my nitpicks are taken in a lighthearted way. I’m all about people enjoying whatever nonsense they like. I’m certain most of the stuff I watch would be utterly tedious to the vast majority of people. No one needs to defend their love of something imo.

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The first 3 episodes of The Boys season 3 are up on prime video.


That makes sense, but if that was their reasoning, they didn’t make it very evident in the series. I figured that maybe Obi was so depressed from creating Vader that he was in emo mode and unable to do anything. Maybe it was a combo of both.

I have no problem with Vader being powerful enough to toy with him, but I just don’t think they should have met at all. It destroys the impact of their eventual meeting in ANH.

I also don’t believe that this Vader wouldn’t be able to easily find and destroy this version of Obi. No way Obi would escape for 20-25 years after this encounter. Vader is obsessed with finding him, and is so powerful plus has all the Empire’s resources at his disposal.

I also don’t believe that an even older and more decrepit Obi Wan would have been able to put up the fight against Vader that he did in ANH.

Anyway, I just wish they would try something that isn’t just fan service on steroids. Obi is interesting enough that you could’ve explored a lot of different angles and left Vader out of the picture. This is where I thought they were going in the first 2 episodes with the new villains, and have already thrown that all away.

It feels like episode 8, where they’ve written themselves into a corner and there’s no way the remaining episodes of this season of Obi won’t be kinda dumb and poorly written.

All that being said, I really love anything Star Wars, and even though I admit that objectively the Boba series and this latest episode weren’t that good, I still look forward to the next episode more than almost any other series. I also appreciate that Disney only releases one at a time.

Fucking spoiler tags are broken. Sorry, I’m not typing all that out again

Fixed it for you - they are broken, but can work. Usually for me if I hit return before end tag and after first tag they work.

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OK I would watch a show about dudes on Tatooine who repair and sell classic cars.

If you haven’t, you really need to watch the Clone Wars. that show fleshes out Obi and Anakin’s relationship to the point where an Obi-Wan show without Vader/Anakin would make absolutely no sense.

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Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to work my way through Clone Wars. I’ve tried a couple times and invariably stop after a half dozen episodes. I’ve seen every bit of live action Star Wars, but not the cartoons, which is a big leak b/c they’re among the highest quality stuff and would probably greatly enhance the viewing experience of the newer series.

well, tbh, the way the show was released makes it difficult. It was an “anthology” so the stories take place in the Clone Wars, but it was released out of timeline order. Better, I think, to watch it in chronological order. Here’s a guide:

And you’re right. Clone Wars and Rebels gives so much context to the newer series and characters. The new shows do a decent job with presenting the new stuff to folks who haven’t seen the animated shows, but Mandalorian, Bad Batch, Obi-wan, etc hit so very very different if you have seen them.

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Goddamn, I would just watch a show about Jawas, they were the best part of Mando. Like Sanford and Son but with Jawas, that is a hit show idea.


Trolly and Funcrusher+ on watch over RBW cancellation? Not that surprising imo. Frankly surprised it made it to S2 at all.

JJ Abrams can go fuck himself.

This guy too:

The fuck does a completely original awesome sci-fi thing like that get cancelled but we have like dozens of cookie-cutter Star Wars fanservice shows? Bleh.

Hopefully the Boys isn’t the letdown kenobi was.

First episode was very good

Am I the only one here who watched the spelling bee?

Looks like they cranked up the degree of difficulty on the last words. Never seen that many misses. Also speed round to end it was interesting, but I think I like the old school way.

I spent the week binging the latest season of Top Chef (because I forgot it was on earlier and none of you reminded me). Great season of a show that has not only been consistently great year after year, but seems to keep improving. They’ve perfected the formula of a reality TV competition that gets all of its drama simply from the contestants being outstanding at what they do.

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I remember watching a Game of Thrones where Tyrion is first seeing the true destruction the dragons can wreak on the battlefield, just barbecuing soldiers to instant ash, and he’s wide-eyed and horrified and I thought if he muttered “Jesus Christ” while the camera closes in on his face that would’ve been a solid troll. Get the fans all worked up about “canon” or “world building” or whatever