The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I can assure you that “Star Wars fans” loved all of it. My SIL’s “life is now complete” after episode 3. My life is much easier if I just agree with her on all things SW, even when I don’t.

Whenever you’re confused or upset about how some Star Wars thing was done, you can usually understand the reason for it by remembering that the target audience is children.

That actually doesn’t explain anything. Kids would want to see other planets bedsides Tatooine!

Is Star Wars even popular at all with kids other than parents pushing it on them?

My niece is hardcore obsessed with Baby Yoda.

Oh right I somehow forgot about baby yoda.

Star Wars never really resonated with me. Except Chewbacca. He’s a big space ape!

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Baby yoda is ~50 years old in the mandalorian, right? So theoretically he could make an appearance in kenobi?

They’d have to be incredibly dumb to prequel-spoil their biggest show like that so its a near certainty they will.

And where is Jar Jar, amirite guyz?


So Obi-wan hasn’t used the force in 10 years…and it’s like a muscle, it’s atrophied. Of course he’s weak vs. Vader. Also, I think Vader was just fucking with him…he wants to draw out the pain.

Star Wars isn’t Shakespeare, and I’m ok with that.

Enjoy the fan service. Like I said upthread 4-5-6 are Star Wars. The rest is a money grab.

Rogue One was good.



Same with me. I’m good friends with the guy who played Chewbacca in the latest trilogy. His only grief was that he couldn’t do his own 'bacca sounds even though they were very impressive.

I liked We own this city. I could watch 20 seasons of Baltimore shenanigans by Simon. What will he do next?

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Finally finished Stranger Things myself. Many questions. Here are a few. Most are things I forgot from earlier seasons.

  1. I have forgotten who the Mindflayer is. Is Mindflayer same as Vecna or someone different.

  2. I assume when eleven defeats 001, the gate that opens is the original open gate and it’s the one that gets closed in s3.

  3. How does the s1 demigorgon get to Hawkins? Does it go through the gate or does it get there some other way? How does the s4 demigorgon get to Russia?

  4. Is there a reason, 001 can’t just walk back through the gate that Eleven creates when she beats him. Why does he stay in the upside down? Does he like it there or does the mindflayer keep him there.

  5. Any native Russians have an opinion on Murray’s Russian. How good/bad does he sound?

  6. What happened to the girl that met Eleven in the real world (I think she was #8, but not sure). I didn’t see anyone in the flashbacks who looked like her (except in the scene when Eleven is playing with ?her and her mom comes in the room).

  7. Did the music somehow protect Victor from young 001/Vecna?

  8. How did Dustin meet Suzie?

like anything else (any other IP, I mean), “fan service” and “lore” are interchangeable. I’m a Star Wars fan and appreciate the expansion of the lore into live action TV/movies. The Obi-wan series has actually had less of what you might call “fan service” than some of the other recent additions to the universe.

For me, the Temeura Morrison cameo as a homeless clone on the street was fan service. Exploring how Obi-wan goes from prequels-era attitude Jedi to broken man who is cut off from the force to the somewhat light-hearted and very confident Alec Guinness version we get in episode 4 is lore and character building. it’s not fan service.

The thing is, when you have a big expansive IP like Star wars or Marvel, you really can’t expect new content that doesn’t build off of previous lore/content. I mean, books have been doing it for far longer, and no one really complains when book 9 refers to something in book 1.

But I’m a nerd who goes to comic con, plays D&D, reads fan fiction, and knows more Star Wars lore than the rest of this forum put together, and it’s only taken me 40-something years of life to be firmly comfortable in my interests and not give a flying fuck what the “cool kids” think of me for it.

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Agree. Mentioned it in prior post.

I’d rather see backstories of lesser know characters (Gen Akbar?).