The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

The only time I spend reading facebook or twitter are through links posted in this forum.

I really do not understand why so much weight is given to unverified entities saying the worst things.

The American sumo fandom is way more wholesome than I expected.

Please donā€™t lump star trek fans into your hate group

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Just finished ep 1, itā€™s a solid idea to have a Romeo/Juliet setup with North and South Korea. Itā€™s not bad at all and I might continue once I work through my backlogs of telenovellas to watch.

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I finally finished Ozark and it felt like a job. I think Barry is the only show Iā€™m watching right now where it doesnā€™t feel like Iā€™m doing a job watching it.

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Star Trek fans include both liberal/chill folks that love the earnestness of Star Trek, as well as incel nerd boys that hate how WOKE the new Star Trek is. Theyā€™ve RUINED the original Star Trek with all this EQUALITY nonsense!

Those are not Trek fans. Those are assholes trying to co-opt something they donā€™t understand. Itā€™s been relatively woke since the beginning. Society caught up (and perhaps passed) only recently.


Iā€™m pot committed but Stranger Things - Season 4 has been god awful terrible. Iā€™ve got one episode left.

Great news for you there are 2 more episodes coming in a month!

I donā€™t remember much about the earlier seasons but I didnā€™t love this one.

Iā€™ve really enjoyed it. To each their own

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I thought the last Kenobi ep was trash and failed how the recent movies did

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Yah, last Kenobi sucked. Iā€™m surprised that a lot of people seemed to love it.

Early Vader scenes were pretty badass and his ruthlessness portrayed well in murdering the village people. However, I donā€™t think he shouldā€™ve played a big role in this season, at least not early on. His appearance undermines the other villains theyā€™re trying to build, now we donā€™t care about them.

The fact that him v. Kenobi already took place makes zero sense in the Star Wars timeline. ā€œWhen last we met I was the apprenticeā€¦now I am the masterā€ makes zero sense since itā€™s clear that Vader is already the master in this last battle. Also, are we to believe that Vader is hell bent on torturing Kenobi, and with all the resources at his disposal, Kenobi will somehow evade him, and hide out on Anakinā€™s home planet no less, for the next 20-25 years until their battle in ANH?

Beyond all that nonsense, the battle scenes are shit and there are so many stupid monents, like the 3rd Sister somehow cutting off Leia in the tunnel, Vader tracking Kenobi all over the galaxy, then giving up b/c of a bit of fire (he literally just picked him up with the Force seconds ago, but now conveniently no longer has that ability), Kenobi destroying that lazer barrier instead of just walking around it, etc. Iā€™m kinda surprised that it seems like such a low quality production.

Young Leia is great though and I guess theyā€™re putting over Kenobiā€™s complete devastation at having played a large part in creating this monster.

I really liked eps. 1 and 2, and will obviously finish it out, but I donā€™t really know where you can go from here now that youā€™ve opened Pandoraā€™s Box w/Vader.

Still waiting on Disney to create something decent that isnā€™t leaning massively on the original trilogy.

I agree with most of your criticisms. As for Vader not pursuing Kenobi after the fire, the theory is he realized Kenobi is part of some larger network of refugees and is now going to try to use him to root them out, sort of like how he used the Falcon to lead them to the Rebel base in ANH

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Just astonishingly bad production values. Amazing how this planet thereā€™re on looks exactly like 80% of California.

Iā€™m in agreement. Kenobi was really bad.

It looked really budget and also

[spoiler] Frankly I donā€™t think Obi-Wan should really be this weak with the force. How was he ever expecting to protect Luke with no force powers? How was he expecting to train Luke with no force powers? How was he expecting to do the training Yoda had set out for him to connect with Qui-gon with no force powers. Removing yourself from the force isnā€™t really even going to help you hide when the kid you are trying to protect is also force sensitive and bulls-eyeing womprats in Beggars Canyon.

Also lots of stuff in episode 3 didnā€™t make sense at all. [/spoiler]

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I saw a twitch ad for Kenobi and the line was ā€œyou should have killed me when you had the chance!ā€ I was like


Why the fuck did you leave the salvageable body of the Jedi with the highest midichlroin count ever lying around for any becowled evil tyrant to pick up?

Why do all the Star Wars shows have to take place on Tatooine? Thereā€™s literally an entire galaxy out there.

Even when theyā€™re not on Tatooine every other planet looks exactly like Tatooine.

[spoiler]Too much fire for Vader but also you have to ignore the fact he force removed the fire just moments before. Just really bad mind boggling bad writing.

Personally I donā€™t even think Vader and Obi-wan should have met again before A New Hope but if you are going to do it you canā€™t botch it this bad. If you are going to write a bunch of lore breaking stuff it had better be good. [/spoiler]

Agree with what Kep and fossil said. Liked the first two episodes but its probably irredeemable now.

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