The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Wow. 100% disagree about WV.

It’s not really a superhero show. Nor is it a commentary on older TV. Sure it has connections to the MCU, blah blah blah, but that’s incidental. Episode 8 was one of the best episodes of TV I’ve seen in a while. Certainly the best 45 minutes of content Marvel has ever produced. But then again, i don’t need explosions all the time…sometimes a good old fashioned catharsis is what’s called for.

Eh, whatever. I am not interested in many of the shows mentioned in this thread, either. For example, I could never get into Breaking Bad or BCS or The Sopranos or The Wire. Sure, best shows ever, whatever. I get bored.



I’ll agree that The Wire is difficult to get into. Need a lot of patience. My wife has tried twice and hasn’t been able to get through season one.

For example, I could never get into Breaking Bad or BCS or The Sopranos or The Wire

None of these shows had epic starts. How many episodes did you watch?

i had to rewatch each scene of the wire over and over until i knew what’s going on, and then moving on. then midseason it finally clicked.

We Own This City Pt 3

Still ok, but I would watch the shit out of a whole cop show with Jon Bernthal just alpha male steam rolling everyone into corruption. He’s got the smooth talking domineering dumb lunkhead bullshit down to a scary degree.

Yea it really is a show that is less than its parts. A lot of actors are good, but the narrative structure of bouncing between so many stories and back in time, and their need to explain out what is the problem multiple times puts it in the B category. Good enough to watch and be entertained by not much more to recommend.

This fucking Bosch spin off show sure the fuck has a lot of motherfucking gratuitous profanity badly written into the fucking script. I guess this is Connelly’s attempt to be edgier? I’ve always kinda felt bad for the guy because, unlike the hard-boiled writers he idolizes, I get the impression he has absolutely zero darkness in him to draw from.

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season 1 of each.

I tend to gravitate toward genre shows (to escape) or things that are bit less grim. I’m not saying sci-fi or fantasy can’t be grim, but at least i know deep down that they are exactly that: sci-fi or fantasy. The Wire could be happening every day in the real world. I don’t watch things to feel worse about the world. I already have enough existential depression as it is.

Also of note: Breaking Bad and BCS take place (and were filmed) in a city that I lived in for four years and loved, and seeing the places makes me feel a mixture of sadness (I miss it) and horror (my poor ABQ). So that might color my perception a bit.

The way we watch shows has changed since the days of The Sopranos and The Wire. We now binge entire seasons in one go.

There’s so much to choose from that it’s hard to watch a whole season without early payoff to justify continuing. That wasn’t the case when we would watch one episode per week.

The days where shows waste episodes setting up future episodes is coming to an end. If shows released a full season at a time don’t have cliffhangers at the end of every episode, then we aren’t gonna binge it.

This makes a lot of sense. Especially for people that want political justice, The Wire in particular is very grim. It’s pretty close to declaring the whole political and justice system corrupt and hopeless.

Any Breaking Bad has no plot if the US has universal health care.

This seems almost backwards to me.

If there is a slow episode, with binging you can just forge ahead – it’s like a reflex. You don’t think, you just continue on. With one episode per week there is plenty of time to lose interest. And you have the whole week to think, “Man that sucked, do I really want waste another hour on that”.

There’s also so much good stuff on now that if you don’t get sucked into something right away, you can just move on to something else.

Maybe we end up with like 6 hour choose your own adventure films in theaters.

Watch an hour or 2 then intermission. People discuss and vote on what happens next.

Whichever version gets inserted for part 2 for whatever reason. Maybe another intermission then a finale.

With CGI and film tech advances maybe some randos attending get inserted into the film.

Telltale Games already does choose your own adventure-style narratives. There’s a small niche for it but idk if it’s going to take off. Big problem with doing chose your own adventure movies is all the extra footage you would have to film.

That’s what I was getting at. The days where we can give a show a chance and see where it’s going are over. If a person isn’t hooked by the first episode or two then off to something else.

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That’s basically what Stoner Cats was. A show funded by NFTs where the fans had a say in where the show went.

True. I had to watch the first episode of breaking bad like 6 times before it stuck. And this happened before the show had any hype.

The first episode of the Sopranos was also pretty bad. They were going heavy on the comedy and it had the same premise as the movie Analyze This.

I am on record w hating the dr Melfi part of the show (no offense dr. Melfi), and it was thick in the early episodes. I think my love of mobsters allowed me to push through.