The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

the miracle of being alive! derb time

I liked Ozark, all the way through.

Well, Picard Season 2 was a thing that happened

I was fine with it, but it felt like it should have been a kiss instead of a hug.

I have stayed mostly ignorant.

Obviously there is a time travel and/or multi-dimensional aspect going on

That said the journey hasn’t been all that fun. A lot of the plot device stuff is very very confusing.

The Dan character is highly unlikeable and he is the “good” guy. His ex has the addiction problem? His kid stays at home alone while he gets drunk and high?.

And the husband?

Finished the first ep and I’m not really feeling it this time. Yellowjackets gave me a whole new group of teens mysteriously lost in the wilderness and these island kids just aren’t as interesting as the forest kids. I’ll probably give it one more episode, but that may be it.

Yah, Ozark, what was that, that stunk.

Also just finished Peaky Blinders… is that supposed to be done? I mean, it doesn’t damn well seem like it’s done, does it?

Too many of these once-decent shows don’t know how to wrap it up. I mean, I’m not asking for 6 Feet Under-level finales every time but c’mon, just figure out what you wanna do and tie things up by the close of that season. Just fuggin’ end it, ya greedy pricks.

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I generally agree but you do have to feel some sympathy for a show runner who might have waited all their life to create a hit and who might never create something so successful ever again. Plus by season 5 or whatever if you choose to end things you’re telling 100+ people that they’re going to lose their well paying jobs because your “artistic integrity” won’t allow for another season? That seems like a tough conversation to have. All the social and economic incentives tend towards dragging these things out beyond their welcome. Unfortunately.


It came before Yellowjacket’s. Wilds is maybe not as good overall but it’s still decent. I also like it doesn’t have any supernatural junk.

Ozark finale question (spoilers, obviously):

Who the fuck is going to launder money from the casino now?

I enjoyed the Wilds but clearly Yellowjackets is better.

I still plan on watching. Hopefully the experiment stuff is done well.

Oh… had been seeing commercials for that. I am in on s2

The BBC has announced that some Scottish actor I’ve never heard of will replace Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor.

Nice to see them go with someone really young again, he’s about the same age as Matt Smith when he started. I really like Capaldi but generally don’t like the Old Guy Doctor Who template.

well, the misogynists came out of the woodwork when Jodie was announced, but they were blatant. I have a feeling the reaction to this will be a lot more dogwhistle-ish

I watched Outer Range weekend, it was alright. Ambitious plot I think they will need several seasons. Started to get progressively weirder and weirder towards the end, but not necessarily in a good way either IMO. Good enough mystery though that I will be back for Season 2. Feels like the plot is heading in a direction that is similar to another scifi show that is one of my favorites, show name in spoilers because it does spoil the premise of the show a bit. But if you’re on the fence about watching maybe knowing that will sway you one way or another. And no, it isn’t as good as the spoilered show, not close, although I think it needs more time to craft the story.

Show I think it’s playing out similary to: -D-A-R-K-

I tried watching Wandavision before the movie this week. It might have the worst writing of any non-serial TV show I’ve ever seen. I thought it was a commentary on older sitcoms at first, but the real world dialogue was somehow even worse. Dear Lord, I had to throw in the towel once that scientist showed up and had a meeting with evil mc. evil face. Was one of the worst written scenes in TV history.

You haven’t seen enough non prestige TV then.
Or been with someone who watches Riverdale.

These things are both true

Caught up with the show and completely disagree with this heh. The worlbuilding (maybe not the right word since this is an actual place but you know what I mean) had been excellent and the plot solid in the first 7 eps but it felt like the quality of the writing fell off a cliff in the last one, and I’m now not really interested in season 2 (so the opposite of Severance heh)

More precise complaints :

  • Opening a show with a flashforward then not getting close to that point by end of season (and instead going for a cliffhanger with a new complicating sex boat plot) is borderline criminal
  • Same goes with having a character say the line “you’re either the stupidest or the best [xxx] I’ve ever worked with” (or at least follow it up with “you crazy son of a bitch” or something lol)
  • the two experienced cops devising a transparently simple plan then somehow not considering they could have been made was not believable. So was the fact that KW’s character has spent years (decades?) going after yakuzas but is somehow surprised that they could consider targeting his family
  • Akira got beat up by the blonde’s yakuza bf in the previous ep but still thinks it’s now a good idea to steal a bunch of money from her ? And he gets away with it ?
    (Could also include that she should never fall for it either, but she could be shook by her best friend being missing and having just done a bunch of meth so I’ll allow it. Unless it was actually Akira’s friend from previous ep driving the van (not sure about that) in which case lol)
  • useless filler subplots : weak yakuza apprentice, Jake’s family trouble

Is this supposed to be all taken from actual events ? I’m starting to doubt the credibility of this Jake Adelstein guy lol