The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I’m not sure how Moon Knight can tie up everything with only one more episode.

I’m watching “Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell” on HBO Max, I think it’s an Adult Swim show that’s been on for years? It’s surprisingly amusing. Perfect show to have on while working out.


Yup, it’s Adult Swim. One of my friends is in it. I believe another friend of mine had a role in one episode. I tried to get on it, but failed (obviously, you’d certainly know about it otherwise).


Had no idea that Michael Imperioli was a self-made billionaire.

He isn’t, but Christopher Moltisanti was. Rip

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He was super early on NFTs

sopranos nft


wait i thought that was a chamath meme. are you telling me that’s a tv character from 20 years ago?

I think there’s an entire cohort of Gen-Xers who fell asleep on the couch while their parents watched I, Claudius and were deeply traumatized by the half-remembered things they saw. It’s like, if something was on PBS everyone decided it was appropriate for kids to watch. Maybe there’s some truth to the idea of Gen-X being a poorly-supervised generation; I was definitely watching Monty Python at a wildly inappropriate age.

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I posted about this earlier, but I think Netflix is doing the right play. They shouldn’t be competing with HBo and only making prestige TV.

They should have a ton of cooking and trivia and kids shows that HBO never would.

Severance eps 1-8 : 5/10 :sleeping:
Severance ep 9 : 10/10 A++ can’t wait for next season

The Helena/Helly stuff didn’t really make much sense though ? If they’re doing it all for the PR and noone is checking anyway, why not just give her something fun to do / treat her well while she’s down there ? I guess the point is that they don’t think of “innies” (hate that word lol) as actual people but still…

Also loved all the stuff involving the brother-in-law’s book, that was great.

Did not care for Ozark much. Just couldn’t get into this second part of S4.

Glad someone else said this as I thought I was going crazy when people said it started getting incredible around ep. 5/6.

Basically nothing happened in 1-4, then 5-8 stuff started happening, but the pace was still pretty slow. It basically went from moving at a sloth’s pace to a turtle’s pace. It was worth it for ep. 9 though and it’s set up for a great next season. Just felt like the first 8 episodes could’ve easily been done in 3-4 episodes.


I didn’t really binge it, I watched it over two weeks (2 days for the last 4 eps). Knowing in advance that nothing happens before ep 7 may have made the early ones less enjoyable, idk…

this feels like an op

nobody actually pays for apple tv+ do they???


I used it for my free year when I bought a phone.

So, is there a way to get it for free after your free year is up?


Let me rephrase that. Is there an legal and not annoying way to get it for free after the year is up. Isn’t it only $5/month.

Can something bad happen to you in the US for torrenting stuff ?

In Europe this is country dependent:

In France ~nothing, unless you’re extremely unlucky the worst you’ll get is a severely worded email

In Germany the majors have lawyer firms monitoring IP addresses on popular torrents, if caught they send you a letter and ask you to pay a few hundred euros, threatening with court and 10x heavier fines (which can happen) (or at least that was how it was when I lived there ~5 years ago…)