The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Goddamn, I Claudius is such a great fukkin show, why can’t all shows be like this


I’m also curious if the book is like this, but I think the show would be pretty obnoxious if there was not some level of incompetence by the main character and it was just “young American solves all the crimes that the locals are too inhibited by their own culture to investigate”.

Fwiw the first episode is the only one which was directed by Michael Mann. So there’s a noticeable drop (or at least change) in style after that. It’s still good though.

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I remember watching I, Claudius as a teenager with my mom.

of the first episode more or less

Re-watching the Sopranos for the fourth or fifth time. My wife has the blessing of zero recall of television shows, so she’s basically getting to see it for the first time again. This is my first re-watch after “Many Saints of Newark” and it’s making me hate that movie even more.

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Trying to dig deep in the memory bank. No, I don’t think so.

Most of the time, I’m only there for one day and one scene or part of a scene, so I can’t really tell much in that time. At worst, the scene has just seemed “neutral.” Sometimes, aside from the fact that PA told us what the scene was, I don’t even know what’s happening because I’m just somewhere in the background. I’m not typically there long enough to get a feel for the film/show.

Even in movies or shows that didn’t turn out to be very good, the scene I was in seemed fine or even quite entertaining. For instance, I was in a deleted scene in Melissa McCarthy’s “The Boss.” It didn’t get good reviews and when I saw it, I thought it was pretty meh. But I was in a scene where McCarthy and Cedric Yarbough were riffing and it was funny as shit, so my lone impression was that it would be hilarious.

One thing I found interesting is that even when I’m close to the actors, I often can’t hear the dialogue. Shows how sensitive the mics are.

Hot damn, Severance


I rewatched the sopranos with the wife who had never watched. I originally just watched it on Sunday nights and never revisited it until last year or something. There were a decent amount of episodes I either missed or completely forgot. I was bummed when it was over but then I was excited because that movie was about to come out and I felt like I wouldn’t miss anything. I was disappointed to say the least.


Enjoyed first ep of We Own This City. Definite Wire vibes which make sense considering Simon+Baltimore PD. Spotted 4 Wire alumni, but might have missed one or two.

They told Nacho “To shoot anybody who enters”. Guessing they were hoping a shootout would lead to Nacho’s death. Agree it wasn’t a good plan. Also think the spotter was there to confirm whether or not Eladio’s men killed him.

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Go damn, Nacho.

Can we please spoiler things for at least two fucking hours?

I spoilered my post if you meant me, but I can’t possibly see how that spoiled anything.

Yes, it is an awful plan.

It’s not Mike’s plan, though. Gus overrules him and does it. It’s out of character for Gus because he is not one to come up with idiot plans like this (especially with Mike to tell him how terrible the plan is, which presumably he would have done).

Currently watching an old Sesame Street bit with a Donald Grump, a grouch with blond hair that fires people and is looking for a helper.

The bit ends with Elmo taking his blond toupe

Oh wow, Mando put his Emmy reel together tonight, yeah?

That phone call with his dad got the wells going in my eyes.

[spoiler]Gus knows that Nacho knows he still has his Dad under threat of gun. The second he turns on Gus, Papa gets the worst of it, and Nacho won’t ever do that, and Gus knows it.

You’ll never make money betting against Gus knowing what he is doing (until the end that is)[/spoiler]


Sorta surprised Nacho went out this way especially since there’s a whole 2nd half of the season. Lalo gonna be doing his thing through all of that? Kinda figured the end of the show was more or less gonna be Nacho and Lalo killing each other or something. Obviously they know what they’re doing but man 10 to go?


if gus is so smart, how come he hires guys who can’t finish the job on lalo?