The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Anyone watch Foundation yet on Apple? Not awesome ratings. Have very fond memories of the book series when I read it as a teenager, but can barely remember anything from them now.

Finally caught up and finished the expanse this weekend. GOAT sci-fi show for sure for me.

Shit I gotta stay away from this thread due to BCS spoilers not being properly covered.

I watched foundation having not read the books. Found it interesting.


i liked foundation, although i have read a lot of reviews that shit on it for being worse than the books. if i get around to it, i’ll check out the audiobook or something. can’t see myself reading it now for lack of time.

Watching season 2 of Russian Doll.

The season feels unnecessary and Alan is nowhere to be found yet. If season 1 was a dark Groundhog Day, this is more of a dark Back to the Future thing. The question that’s unanswered is why leave your world willingly after the events of season 1?

The soundtrack still kicks ass and they capture the essence of 1980s New York very well.

It’s not so much that the Foundation TV show was worse as it being a completely different story that barely shares a few initial premises with the book.

As for the books themselves, I haven’t read any Asimov since I was a teenager, but I honestly don’t remember them being all that great either. To me he’s notable for being the very prolific author who invented and thoroughly explored all of the sci-fi tropes decades before anybody else, but not for doing any of it particularly well.

Ended up binging season 2 of Russian Doll and it appears that I am mostly posting to myself about it.

So far, season 2 is 100% fresh on RT but I really don’t think it’s better than season 1. I don’t think it’s bad either. Just not as good.

I do like using time travel as a means to explore the two characters. However, it dealt a bad hand to Alan. I always felt his story was the least developed because he was also the least interesting of the two mains. But he was necessary in season 1 because he helped Nadia. In season 2, he has his own thing and doesn’t help Nadia at all. His past is barely explored and he’s mostly ignored for the season. So there’s very little interaction between them which takes away an element that I really liked about season 1.

Next up, Better Call Saul.

What the fuck

Moon knight got weird

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I just came in here to post that Obama is trying to edge in on Attenborough’s turf. Doesn’t really work. Need that British accent, imo.


Heh, this is the entire premise of the book.

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Haven’t watched the TV show…but yep…that is basically at least the first book…

It’s uneven, but I’m all about more high budget sci fi getting green lit. Lee Pace is excellent.


But this set up makes the next books way better when Hari seldom becomes a godlike figure but the whole project goes off the rails. The go to the vault and Hari is like as you know you have now defeated x y and z so the next step… and they freak out because they haven’t done anything of the sort.


Thanks all, sounds like a worthy watch!

Man, it was hard to follow BCS this week after such a long layoff. I didn’t remember 3/4 of what happened.

What’s funny is that dlk9s jr just finished BB and has now started BCS. So we watched S1E3 last night during dinner and then my wife and I watched S6 later without him. The timelines are going to converge!

And before you ask if he liked BB, he had a poetry assignment and wrote about Walter White.

Keep an eye on your erlenmeyer flasks.

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+1. I was like “Wait, why do they hate Howard so much?”

Shoulda rewatched season 5 when Netflix dropped it. Its a very very good season with an absolutely outstanding performance from Seehorn. Her eating an Emmy snub after S5 is ludicrous.

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S5E9 should go down as one of the best episodes of television of all time. I doubt it will, but it is a masterpiece and should be treated as such

I need to rewatch too but I think it’s not that they hate Howard (hence Jimmy’s reservations) but they want to compromise him such that he’s forced to settle with Sandpiper and they can get PAID.