The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert



Boo, this man

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Opening scene was really great, still working my way through the rest of the episode.

If one were to start playing Fallout, would you recommend 3 or New Vegas first?

I think people are pretty split on those two as their favorites, can’t go wrong with either. I’ve been replaying NV lately and am not enjoying it as much as I originally did, I think the environment/atmosphere of 3 is better. The desert wasteland is a bit boring to me.

Looks like both of those require a premium PSP subscription if you want to play on PS5. Meanwhile I can buy Fallout 4 for $5. What bullshit

ETA: looks like Xbox is the way to go if I want to play these on console

We need a show based on Dark Souls or Bloodborne.


She has not been a regular regular for a while I don’t think. She only shows up on ocassion. She got divorced from Larry on the show a long time ago. But she was hanging out w Ted Danson.

Like 90% of my tv viewing is distracted.

If you can stomache the graphics start with 2. Its still the best one imo.*

  • I am a boomer though obv.
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I’m the opposite.

Pretty much the only TV I can watch where I’m doing something else is stuff like sports and pro wrestling.

I get out my phone any time something I’m watching appears to about to pass the bechdel test amirite

Just watched the Nimoy episode of Columbo. Pure joy to watch.


I’m not sure why Rick and Morty decided to make another Ice-T episode. I guess it was better than the first one.

The imdb crowd sure doesn’t agree:


Sugar Ep3

Layering on the layers and conspiracies and mysterious bullshit pretty thick.

Hate watching at this point.

I think my main complaint with the IMDB crowd there would be with the first one, which apparently is over 8/10?

I’d say 2/10 for the first one and either 3/10 or 4/10 for the other one.

I think they’re the two worst episodes of the series outside of the ones with that giant incest baby.

Fuck is this?