The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

This gave me a good laugh.


I’m not sure what you’re referring to

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So he couldn’t even be cordial at the party?


This is fantastic for at least two reasons, love it.

After episode 1 I feel like I’m missing at least half of what’s going. Im not a cinephile so all the direct references are going over my head. And then there is all the direction and cinematography stuff that is likely enjoyable to those in the know.

Also our hero has a disease, hallucinates bleeding(?) and needs to shoot something into his neck—that’s a lot going on

Hopefully there will be more plot to go along with all the mood in ep 2.

For me, Bosch was a much better balance.

Amy Ryan will make me stick around for the whole season most likely.

He made some comments that the finale would connect to the finale for Seinfeld.

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Then yes lol

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Episode one intrigued me, episode two hooked me. There is indeed a ton going and much left to be revealed but I’m in.

I liked 2>1. Not in love with it.

Wow, my wife and I put on “The Goes Wrong Show” on Amazon randomly. Its very good, incredibly funny. More laugh out loud moments than Ive had watching a TV show in a long while.

Loved the curb your enthusiasm series finale. Absolutely nailed it.

I was kinda hoping to see larry get shot and killed on the courthouse steps by lewis’ ex girlfriend like at the end of the movie layer cake


I thought the same as your spoiler

Ep8 of Shogun was intense

I suspected that the interplay between Toronaga and Hiromatsu was a performance for the other vassals but expected it to stop short of death. Then I questioned my read. And then the reveal :exploding_head:

Also “I would rather live 1,000 years than die with you” is quite the square kick in the balls. Dude she wanted to kill herself to escape life with you not necessarily life itself.

Next week should be awesome.


Props from Westworld to get auctioned off soon


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When we realized we were going to do this story, we went back into episodes and started to seed things about the Seinfeld finale, like Ted [Danson] talking to Larry about it and those kind of things. We were leaving breadcrumbs, but I don’t think we realized that once we even mentioned the word “trial,” that everybody [would start] to think about it. And at first we were like, “Oh, shoot. We didn’t hide our hand well enough.” But then we very quickly realized, This is great. Let everyone think it—let everyone think that they’re getting pranked in slow motion over the course of nine episodes.

Ending a show is tricky, and you want to end funny. And so we knew we were doing this water story, so a trial is a possible outcome. Or it doesn’t go to trial—Trump’s getting out of four of them, somehow.


Are you guys watching shogun dubbed or subtitled?

Subs. All day every day. I just cannot do dub.