The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Looking on my tv, there are apparently channels running non stop episodes of 21 Jump street, Degrassi, and Baywatch. Which one is the best to kill a few hours? Or like 12 hours? a day perhaps. Maybe multiple days?

Wow constellation was an epic trainwreck but I do have to hand it to the show runners for their bold decision to bring back everyoneā€™s favorite plot device from the 80sā€¦ the polygraph scene.

That the brilliant scientist that discovered alternate universes insists the cops give him, of course.

Degrassi rules. Although which generation makes a difference.

It doesnā€™t specify. It just says Degrassi. I honestly know almost nothing about this show, except that itā€™s 80ā€™s high school stuff. how many generations are there?!


Seriously who the f cares about this steaming pile. I havenā€™t finished it yet but I was so excited after ep1. Then we spent half the show in the stupid cabin including ALL of last week.

I think just two. But some of the original cast are adults in the new generation. Itā€™s a good show that was especially good dealing with teen issues. You may or may not like it.

I would probably watch the original one. I think itā€™s better. Plus it has Aubrey Graham.


Loved 3 Body Problemā€¦ scared to find out if I was supposed to hate it.

Also, itā€™s been a while since I read the book. Can someone (non-spoileringly) tell me if these 8 episodes cover more than the first book?


Loved it as well.

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Season 1 of the netflix show extends about 1/3 into book 2

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Watched The Truth vs Alex Jones on Max and it was a good short documentary. Alex Jones comes across as someone who has a Trump like personality in that he creates his own world and doesnā€™t let reality get in the way of living in it. He is a grade A POS. Like Trump heā€™ll lie when he thinks itā€™ll help him and then deny it or flip on a dime if he thinks thatā€™ll help him

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Hate watched E8

So we have Jo-A and Alice-B deciding that living together in Earth-B works. Alice-A accepts her mother is gone. We get a bunch of stupid cliffhangers-dual wave fetus, Bud/Henry switching places, and then shocking- half a face Jo-B is somehow still alive. Did I get that right?

Thanks for the reminder. I followed the majority of this case through Knowledge Fight so Ill be interested in seeing how HBO tackles it.

Obviously it wont compare, Dan and Jordan did 3 hour deep dives into like ten different depositions, but Im still curious to see how it is. Hbo tends to make pretty good shit

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For those who are going to watch this, be forewarned. A lot of the interviews you see with the parents in the media or from the trail are very straightforward and to the point. Here they get to express their feelings a bit more, and the early part of the doc where they talk about what happened that morning are very difficult to watch, especially if you have kids.

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I saw his post but went from a run so Iā€™m finally relying back. If youā€™ve followed the trial on Knowledge Fight then there wonā€™t be anything about the trial or really Alex Jones that you donā€™t already know. The value add from documentary is tying the grief from the parents through direct interviews with the harassment from insane people egged on by Alex Jones.

Seeing Alex Jones in person as well shows heā€™s exactly as he is on his show; mock humble, lying, and without a moral core.

Hes a true, violent, sociopath. Iā€™m here bawling my eyes out on a Friday morning listening to these families, already knowing everything that has happened, and he is comfortable lying about them to make a profit. Its truly sick


Well fuck, 27 of a motorcycle crash. Thats such a fucking bummer


Gosh that sucks

Motorcycles. Not even once.


He was pretty good in Gen V and season 2 filming was supposed to start in April. Thatā€™s been delayed indefinitely.


Yuck. Obv donā€™t know about him as a person but thought he did good work on GenV with a bright future ahead.


Paramountā€™s UI is fucking terrible. There is no way to sort Survivor by season, you have to scroll through each individual episode 1 (out of order and without listing the season name or number, just the name of the first episode) until you get to the season you want to unlock them. Its awful