The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Until Sydney, I had watched every episode of every season of every NCIS variant…so yes, yes I am.

Weird place to finally draw the line.

Oh, I’m just lazy. I’ll get around to it.


This was real, by the way. Just start. There’s no reason that it has to be big chunks of time in a condensed space. At an average of one episode a week (about 45 minutes/week), it will take you slightly over a year to watch Breaking Bad. That seems pretty unintimidating.

There’s no grand rush at this point. You’re not catching up to the water cooler. And of course you don’t have to watch every great series; we’re all eventually going into the ground not having watched or read every appealing work that exists. But standing back from the entire lot of them and just saying it’s all too much seems like a misfire.



Well that’s the thing with Bojack. It’s as much a very dark drama (with the occasional glimmer of hope) at times as it is a comedy. I wouldn’t put it in the same category as South Park for that reason alone. I also don’t particularly care that it’s animated, it moves me as much as any live action series.

Reasonable people can argue about whether it’s possible to have an all-time GOAT list with all genres ornot I suppose.

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American Nightmare is fucking bonkers. At least three OMG moments out of my mouth.

Absolutely awesome ACAB documentary.

9 thumbs up

The animation caps the darkness for me. It’s just hard to really feel it the same way I would with a live action show.

Fair, for me there’s little if any difference.

Any anime fans here?

I never really got into it, but have been on quite a kick lately.

I finally finished Attack on Titan (90+ episodes), and then binged Violet Evergarden, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, and am almost done with Chainsaw Man.

All have been 7+/10, but I think Violet Evergarden was the best, just phenomenal.

Luckily Netflix has an impressive amount of good anime content. On my list are: Frieren, Pluto, Death Note, Vinland Saga, Spy x Family, 86, and Tokyo Ghoul, to name a few.

I could’ve sworn we had a separate anime thread at one point. I’m sort of the same. It was never my thing but I’ve started watching a few series. I had some friends who watched a lot when I was younger. They preferred subtitled versions and I struggled to get into them. Now that I’ve been watching dubbed versions I find it much more enjoyable.

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You have a point here. I’ll start one of those big prestige dramas sometime soon.

Those most of my non-sports TV watching in the near future is going to be to see all of the Oscar nominated movies.

I’m weird like this too.

I’ve yet to see Mad Men, BB, The Wire, Sopranos, etc.

When I’m thinking about starting a new series then I’ll often check to see if it’s 8 or fewer episodes (maybe 12 if they’re <30 minutes). I guess I just like the satisfaction of banging out an entire series with minimal time investment.

I’ve been wanting to fill in the gaps of several of those GOAT series that I’ve missed, but just keep putting it off.

I have similar impulses about wanting to check things off of lists and I gather that it’s some mix of weird and normal.

Of course, the thing to remember is that as soon as you dive in, if it clicks for you the way it clicks for others, it’s not even remotely going to feel like homework or something, which is almost the framing it gets when you think of it up front as something to check off the list.

Thankfully, with most of these series, you also know really quickly whether it’s for you. I’d say The Sopranos is the only one that really begs a bit of patience. Maybe The Wire to a lesser extent too? But most of them will have you hooked from the jump.

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BB has one of the greatest pilot episodes of all time.

I remember latching on to the wire pretty quickly. Maybe it takes 3 or 4 episodes to really recognize it as GOAT TV, but it does happen pretty early in the series.

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Yeah, honestly it took until rewatch for me to realize just how great the BB pilot was. Just absolutely packed. I kept thinking, “Shit, they already got to THIS in the pilot too?” Stuff that my memory had misremembered as being developments from the middle of season one, because how could that all have happened in one episode?

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For me the shows you haven’t watched are far superior to the vast majority of Oscar noms in any given year.


I think you hit on the psychology of it pretty well.

There’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re plot committed to a series and watching the next episode feels like a chore. OTOH, when you’re just blasting through episodes and can’t wait to see what happens next, that’s a great feeling.

Psychology, maybe I have more of an aversion to long series b/c I don’t want to feel trapped, although it’s probably unlikely with these GOAT tier series. And with short series, you can feel like you “accomplished” something by finishing it, and then you forever have it on your list of series you’ve seen.

Incidentally, I did actually watch the 1st season of BB, and stalled there. It’s good, but I kinda felt like “this is the series everyone’s talking about?”

From what I gather online, there’s a fairly common feeling that S1 is a bit slow and once the series hits its stride later on, it really gets amazing. So I probably need to get back to it soon.

I think I’ve seen every episode of OG NCIS until Tony left (and maybe a few after that) but I haven’t really kept up with it after that, especially since Mark Harmon was revealed to be a weirdo