The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Honest to god story. I had a late S5 episode recording on the dvr. That got mom to accidently catch just a few minutes of Breaking Bad. The whole premise of the show I’m sure I couldn’t have sold her on. But just a few minutes got her and dad to watch the whole show from the beginning.

Whenever I do a rewatch I start from S3

Voluntarily giving up on this is just TOO MUCH MAN!

All this BB talk is making me ache for a rewatch!

My most underrated great show. The Americans. That and Mad Men are the ones I’m most itching to rewatch.


The Americans is a great watch

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Is Bojack Horseman underrated? Possibly top 5 show ever for me. Pretty amazing to make an animated show that can be so incredibly funny and so incredibly depressing at the same time.


Great last episode too.

the FBI guy letting him go, out of pure weakness because he’s his friend and he doesn’t know what to do so he lets himself be convinced… Amazingly done.

Might try and convince Mrs Rugby to join me on an Americans rewatch.


The Americans is truly underrated, just insanely good.


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This is where I am. You can add Mad Men, The Wire and The Americans to that list.

I’d like to watch them, but the time commitment is just so high. It’s 2 to 3 days of content for each series.

You’ll probably live 1,500+ weeks longer. Just work in an episode a week and you’ll get there.

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American is sneaky great.

I liked it a bit more than Mad Men.

Flame on.

That is not flameworthy.

All that plus The West Wing, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development, The Office, The Shield, Oz, Rick and Morty, Bojack Horseman, and Atlanta, to name a few.

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I’ve got comedies and animated in a different categories entirely. You can’t really compare BB And Bojack head to head. It like comparing apples and bicycles.

In that category, it’s in the running for the top spot along with like the first decade of the Simpsons and South Park.

Just wait for the Mad Men slappies to show up.

Meh, there’s just too much great shit out there at this point to criticize anyone’s top whatever tv shows

I am one of those. They are here. But I have tremendous respect for The Americans.


List invalidated.

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Haven’t seen it, but it certainly could be worthy.