The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

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Can some mod change the thread title to Hot Take Thread?

Trust Level 3 users (aka basically everyone who posts here) can change any thread title they want.



Not sure if too soon or right on time

I think Las Vegas is good in a way that is easy to take for granted. A show thatā€™s simply set in Vegas wasnā€™t guaranteed to be good, but this one is compelling from episode to episode. For my view, the show is like the casino version of Fast and Furious movies. Thereā€™s a huge focus on community and family, like if you work for the casino, youā€™re in the family, and everyone looks out for each other.


In a way it felt the love child of Love Boat and some generic 70s TV cop/action show.


I always thought it was a bit of a spiritual successor to CSI


Could I interest you in a screenplay called Vegas Knights? Selling the rights for $10,000.


The golden era of threads to reference.

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I know I canā€™t be upset about spoilers for a show that first aired 16 years agoā€¦

But I hope I didnā€™t just watch something big that Iā€™m about to see :cry:


probably nothing


Itā€™s not even the same show :gift::dog2:

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Pretty sure people were just sharing clips of Las Vegas itt


Second ep of True Detective S4 is bringing it.

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Amazing watching this again and being able to recognize name drops, in a season 2 episode, Ed Deline gets an FBI agent to do what he wants by placing an immediate call to Bob Mueller.

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Was I the only person who loved LA to Vegas?

Perfect pace. Not rushing, but not dawdling either.

Hell yeah

All these hot takes yet I havent watched one episode of Sopranos, Breaking Bad or Succession in my life. The time investment needed is the biggest deterrent now.

Meanwhile I waited for Reacher to finish and binged it in 2 days.

I am looking forward to this upcoming Mr & Mrs Smith tv series or Shogun. Probably more so than I would at the outlook of watching a show from the past that everyone is talking about. Sometimes its also: The bigger the hype the less interested I am if its not something I love.

During my poker years I probably watched the majority of the US schedule every week. Then came the regular job and I lost the connection. Recently I came across shorts of TBBT on youtube so after all these years I at watched the final episode after I saw their tearful rehearsal of the last minutes of the show.