The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

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More Curse finale

Rando inserting himself into the scene to say ā€œIā€™m telling EVERYONEā€ and then intensely staring them down for too long before finally walking out was classic Nathan. Definitely my hardest laugh of the episode.

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This is a great explanation and makes me better appreciate the finale.

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Good discussion here IMO. Itā€™s Sean Fennessey and Joanna Robinson again. Think Bill must not have liked the series since he dipped for good after the first recap.

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The plan after that first episode was for Sean and Joanna to do all the recaps. Where they missed an opportunity was not doing each episode.

The finale was incredible. All the popcorn

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Bahaha I just watched the finale what the fuck was that shit. I laughed a bit at the absurdity of it but that was awful. Whoever pitched that needs better people around them to tell them when their shit stinks.


I thought there was a comment early in the second recap that they were planning to mix and match among the three?

No matter; the Sean/Jo combo was the best option anyway.

I rewatched Rehearsal Ep 1 and some of my fave N4Y bits so I can get back to thinking Nate is a genius.

The Curse Finale summary:


I mean I already said I didnā€™t much like the finale either, itā€™s perfectly fair not to (and in fact Iā€™m sure he knew full well this would be divisive), but Fielder doesnā€™t owe us some specific career that weā€™re most comfortable with. Iā€™m glad heā€™s gotten successful enough through his prior brilliant work that heā€™s being rewarded with follow whatever artistic path he wants to. If I stop liking his stuff then Iā€™ll stop watching, but I probably wonā€™t get big mad and review-bomb past episodes I already said I thought were good.

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Of course he doesnā€™t owe us anything. If he only releases stinkers from here on out then heā€™ll have given us 2 GOAT projects, which is more than most can say. But in the meantime Iā€™m gonna hope like hell that he goes back to his old style.

To me it kinda has Chappelle energy. Where Dave just became so big that his comedy lately doesnā€™t even really have any jokes, itā€™s more about just trying to be edgy for the sake of being edgy.

I feel like Fielder just threw a massive curveball in Ep. 10 b/c heā€™s big enough now that he could.

Like we didnā€™t even get to see anything of the final cut of Green Queen, which felt like the whole point. Hell, you couldā€™ve even made the finale like 90% just an episode of GQ.

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Fantastic episode. Holy shit.

So that whole thing was about Asherā€™s suicide, right?

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Itā€™s what, now?

Well none of that happened, at least not really. Its a metaphor for Asherā€™s suicide. Think about what happened at the end of ep 9. There is no way that Whitney stayed with him after that. She was terrified. I think what we see in the final episode is the fallout from their breakup. Asher flying away is him committing suicide. Dougieā€™s breakdown (Im so sorry, I should have listened, I should have been there) are the anguished cries of someone feeling like they should have seen the signs. And the baby? Rebirth for Whitney. She pulls out the final piece of Asher from herself (ā€œyou have part of me in youā€) and she is finally free of Asher completely, and finally happy.

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Interesting theory, but I donā€™t think I buy it.

I donā€™t know where you get ā€œno wayā€ from. A woman hating her husband, even being scared of her husband, unfortunately does not come close to always resulting in the woman escaping her situation. And when you consider Whitneyā€™s emotional profile, I would think she is probably a greater risk than most to just try to accept a fate sheā€™s unhappy with. She was unable to confront Asher and divorce him directly, so she tried to sabotage the relationship and get him to leave her. Thatā€™s not the sort of person who is at all good at forcing themselves to sit down and actually have a hard talk with someone when thereā€™s a path of less resistance available.



I had hopes for this, but no. Itā€™s only 5 episodes, I think, and if so they messed up, because the pacing is like a 10 episode arc. Also for reasons completely unknown to me they changed her superpower. In the comics should mimic other peopleā€™s moves now has energy that comes out of her hands. Iā€™m not a comics purist, they can change anything they want, but the mimicking aspect was what part of made her an interesting challenge to Daredevil, now itā€™s just hand powers. In any case Daredevil shows up for less than 5 total minutes.

They also were aiming for high concept but a lot of what they did was aping high concept ideas (thereā€™s an extended silent film homage) without the vision and the family drama and banter felt generic.

Marvel needs to do something new.

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But then whats the point of everything that happened? He didnt really fly away. Nothing else has happened in the series to this point that was of that realm.

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I dunno, youā€™re going to have to ask someone keener than me. But hasnā€™t it hinted around the possibility that curses were real? If so, theyā€™re not really operating fully within the normal rules of the universe, though obviously this would be a massive leap forward from displaced chicken.

I thought Dougieā€™s whole reaction at the end was that he thought he had actually cursed Asher into that fate after the ā€œcosplaying as a good manā€ exchange.

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