The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert


Man I love Larry David. Makes me sad to see him getting so old

Getting old is better than the alternative.


The latest episode of Fargo is setting up the finale nicely, but Iā€™m pretty sure there is no way to salvage this one from being the weakest season. Itā€™s an average season of an otherwise great show.

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I think Tubi has my favorite UI. You are so right about the rest. Plex did it right just copying the design style from Netflix. MAX does a weird thing sometimes where the bottom row of thumbnails doesnā€™t properly move up or down and gets cut off in the middle by the bottom of the screen.

I think I would only ever enjoy a UI that has no thumbnails.

Anyone watching The Traitors on Peacock? Looks like live-action Werewolf (called ā€˜traitorsā€™ btw) with a mix of ordinary people and d-list reality tv celebs. Hosted by Alan Cumming and set in his house in Scotland

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First season is great. Second season starts tomorrow and will do away with the mix of players and be exclusively reality show people

oh shit I thought it was a brand new show

The first episode is good, seems promising

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This show continues to be really good in a campy way. It does make me wonder, though, if that amount of sexism and bullying is normal in Korea or if itā€™s played up for drama.

The Curse Finale

I guess some will like the absurdity of it all, but for me that was probably one of the worst hours of TV Iā€™ve ever seen.

Actually, I guess I didnā€™t even watch the whole hour. The first 25 minutes were just mind numbingly boring and then once I realized Asher floating away was the rest of the show I started fast forwarding through 90% of it.

So much for all the interesting threads they had created throughout the season. Nathan pulled a ā€œfast oneā€ on all of us. Congrats I guess?

Iā€™ve never rated anything on IMDB before but I spite rated the series and all episodes a 1/10. I hope Nathan can be done with these type of projects and get back to the comedy.

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I have heard it mentioned several times around some of those d listers names, have been curious to check it out but havenā€™t yet. Might give it a go.

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This is going to be an unpopular take, but I think consumers have had it very good for a long time with TV and weā€™re seeing a course correction. Weā€™ve all become used to a regular stream of quality prestige drama with no ads and itā€™s getting impossible to supply that at the prices weā€™ve been used to. Itā€™s like one hit show is over and weā€™re already to move on to the next one.


Lol, almost clicked on this before realizing I havenā€™t watched the finale yet.

With nebulous ratings fueled by unsure marketing funding the history of tv I agree. As it has become more possible to count the actual viewers and better track itā€™s becoming less lucrative.

I donā€™t know where the industry goes. Free streaming channels are all the rage but free tv seems to have been on a 25 year death March. Now pretty much every streamer has commercials at the baseline, what if that is not enough? It seems advertisers were much more interested in targeting larger audiences in one hit than micro dosing across twenty streaming channels and other outlets. At least some segments of industry. Some have been micro marketing for a long time.

Itā€™s an uncertain time though, and mergers are not going to save the streamers. Two streamers merging that both lose money is unlikely to save enough to become profitable unless they were mismanaged to begin with.

Will we have three streamers each being $39.95 a month?

The curse

They nailed the ending. 5 bags. There could be no other ending. Season 2?? :vince2:


A perfect show I will probably never watch again. Unless itā€™s with someone else for their first viewing.

That ending. Wow.


I donā€™t think I liked that finale. But perhaps I can be talked into it.

Even if I retain this reaction, I will appreciate the achievement of the first nine episodes. Definitely feels like more of an ā€œitā€™s the journey, not the destinationā€ show; I never got hung up on an idea for how it really should end. Still very much in for anything Nathan does.

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Yeah I really went into this thinking the only way this jumped into rewatch territory was if the finale revealed a surprising but inevitable payoff to bring together unexpected elements from the first nine episodes. Instead we got a compelling but surreal conclusion.

I strongly suspected until otherwise that

weā€™d find out Whitneyā€™s baby was conceived by another man or wasnā€™t even real, like she pulls off a fake belly as soon as the cameras are off

asher said it in e9, if whitney wanted him gone heā€™d just go, heā€™d know deep inside and just disappear. he gave her the baby, got her through the pregnancy and flew into the sky like an angel. this is what i wanted the end of The Whale to be, not just to cut off right as the main character is having such a transformative moment he literally inverts gravity.

even though it really looked like asher turned it around and became a better man at the end, i thought whitney had finally fallen in love with him for real, but she was just at peace with settling for him. and asherā€™s body knew it. rachel ray calling the two of them ā€œthe eco queensā€ was the final straw.

anyway 5 bags of popcorn, i already gave my rating. best finale iā€™ve seen in a while.