The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

The Curse is fucking relentless. Mother of God.


Haven’t watched today’s episode yet, but Im super thankful this is a weekly show. Can you imagine trying to binge this?


I mean I suppose I could, but yeah I’m staunchly on the side of weekly drops. I’d probably be spacing it out manually even on Netflix as long as one of my regular podcasts wasn’t covering it and compelling me to keep up.

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Jesus what an episode :flushed:

I thought that the countdown clock scene was some of the worst cringe of the season up to that point, and then by the end of the episode that scene felt almost quaint by comparison.

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So much cringe. And then the bowling scene right after was subversive. I’m truly impressed by this show’s ability to make me squirm yet be unable to turn away.

Damn it. I wrapped up episode two a month ago. I want to continue but I don’t think I have the constitution for it. I can watch the goriest, scariest horror movies without a problem but Micheal Scott trying to tell the kids he doesn’t have their college money has me watching between my fingers.

This is worse, lol.

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I don’t remember exactly what happened in episode two, but I’m still confident in saying that episode nine was multiple levels beyond that.

Scott’s Tots honestly didn’t make me cringe as badly as Michael having a full meltdown in front of the Nashua branch when he discovered Holly’s boyfriend.


I felt like that watching The Office. A lot of it makes me look away. I didn’t take the same voyeuristic pleasure in watching Michael Scott behave like a well intentioned idiot as I do watching Emma Stone and Nathan Fielder. There’s something compelling in just watching these two go deeper and more intense every episode, almost like a magic trick.

Hooooooooly shit

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Paper covers rock

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These bowls are pretty pricey, huh?


I have absolutely no idea where this is ending next week, but jesus christ what a ride.


White Lotus S3 begins filming next month. Yay! We’re all going to Thailand.


Featuring the one and only Parker Posey. That thrills me almost as much as the Aubrey Plaza casting did last season.


Nearly to the end of season two of the bear.

Just finished episode 8.

the Sugar and Claire characters are both horrible. For the same reason. They have no real motivation of their own. They seem to be just characters for the men to interact with. Sugar at least has some good lines, but Claire is the worst. The dialogue is Dawson’s creek level teen rom com.

Ritchie apologizing to Sugar and her only role is the listen and be witness to his character growth? What the fuck. On that topic. Fuck Ritchie’s redemption arc. Some people are just shit humans. Not everyone needs to be redeemed.

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And what makes you think you know better than Alan Sepinwall and people who get PAID TO DO THIS FOR A LIVING.

The Curse


This has to be in my top five favorite Last of Us moments.

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