The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Signed up for Disney + based on this thread.

Gonna watch

  • New Doctor Who
  • Bear
  • Andor.

Bear so far is amazing. Not quite as anxiety inducing as I had feared.

One observation on the bear. The writers know how people/businesses work.


Iā€™ve been watching A Murder at the End of the World on Hulu. I like it all right so far, although it takes itself a little too seriously, and the tone is a little darker than my preference for murder mysteries. My wife says the protagonist is like a more normal version of the girl with the dragon tattoo, and I think thatā€™s about right.

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I really should have started season 3 of Slow horses when I had time to watch all episodes in one go. Going to bed after 4 sucks.

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Murder at the End of the World was one of shows that started well and went steadily downhill.

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Not gonna invalidate your experience but wanted to offer the counter that I enjoyed it more as it continued and also liked the ending.

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My enjoyment was a flat line all the way through. Started good, stayed good.


I thought it was pretty good as well and it mostly stayed consistent. Being a fan of Brit and Zalā€™s work I did have some high expectations and it didnā€™t quite get to that peak I wanted - but I still enjoyed it quite a bit.

I can see some people liking the finale more or less than others but the finale is usually the least interesting part of a Whodunnit (or a Who Has Done This - R.I.P. Braugher). But I donā€™t see much of a decline between e1 and e7 - it thought it was good and it kept me engaged all the way through.

Now what I need is a third OA seasonā€¦ or a novelā€¦ Iā€™ll even take a graphic novel. I require closure!


Watched the MASH special. Was indeed a trip down memory lane, as itā€™s been decades since Iā€™ve seen the show. But no doubt I could queue up the series again and enjoy it today. It really was groundbreaking in many ways, and Alan Alda was brilliant.

The main takeaway from the special is that all of the cast members are either dead or ancient. Radar (Gary Burghoff) is 80 years old!

Time flies, man.


ā€œVi or emacsā€ reference in the show just now. Would Gen Z even use those?

Alan Alda is the man. He was one of the best parts of later West Wing.

Appreciate you mentioning the special. The show was a mainstay in my retro college years.

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yeah no sorry but this show was just not good, feels a lot like ā€œBrit and Bat need a paycheckā€ to me. Not even flashes of anything good here IMO and definetly no originality. Finally finished it tonight. Last 2 episodes were, thankfully, about 2/3rds the length of the other 5 at least.

Oh shit, ok, my bad. I thought it was pretty good and I enjoyed it. You sound pretty definitive though, I must have misjudged it.

Not even a flash? Jesus, I really missed the mark on this one. :thinking:

Reviews generally back me up here but you do you. Iā€™ve heard Marling will release the OA season 3 in 2024 if enough people simp for her online. True story.


At least he managed to add an ā€œIMOā€ in the last paragraph, thus narrowly avoiding the full 10/10 douchebag post. Reviews back me up on this one.

Donā€™t really concern myself with reviews outside of a handful of critics I enjoy so perhaps. However it has a 73 on Metacritic which is pretty good - I expected it to be sub-50 based on your statement.

Besides, and Iā€™m sure you are no different, I enjoy plenty of shows with middling reviews and there are a handful with great reviews that never connected with me. I only made it through 2 seasons of Mad Men when I decided it wasnā€™t for me but Iā€™m not going online and calling others fools for enjoying it.

Several of your forum mates stated they liked the show then you just pop in and tell them they are wrong and the show doesnā€™t have a flash of anything good. Seems kindaā€™ shitty, especially when we are discussing something as subjective as a tv show or movie.

Ugh. What are you talking about? Who is simping for Marling? Is admiring someoneā€™s work simping now? And why assume Marling? Maybe I simp for Zalā€¦ :smirk:

Youre allowed to skip right past opinions you disagree with and then not post lies like saying I called people fools for liking it, seems kindaā€™ shitty.

brand new to this thread so not sure if already discussed but youtube tv took away local az channel 3 which really sucks because Jeopardy! was on it! Wtf? Why would they do this to us and have they done it elsewhere?

Christopher Nolan moderating a Q&A with Fielder and Safdie? What an odd but cool combo.


game recognize game

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