The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

1981 theme song medley w Marie osmond and Joe Biden’s assassin.

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I let out a very real “oh, holy shit” at that line. Fucking savage.

Not that Benny’s was any better. That entire last section from the trip to change the batteries to the artist explaining the concept of the meat and how Emma Stone is nothing but take, to the drive home and the dueling mega shitty person lines was just ten minutes of edge of my seat cringe.

I absolutely hate everybody in this show. Although, fake wisdomy indian dude was a ton of fun in this last episode.


Question for the The Curse peanut gallery.

Is Benny angling to cuck Asher? The line of questioning about his fantasy followed by insisting on staying around afterward and hanging with him seemed like a ploy to put the idea back into his head and then score with Stone, but although he has been playful with her throughout the show, I havent had any real “I want to sleep with you” vibes from him.

Definitely looks to me like he’s been trying to bang her since about episode two. I hadn’t put together the cuckolding possibility, but you might be onto something there.

For my tastes, Emma’s character has kind of broken bad too sharply. She’s been a shitty person from the jump, but at some point she just turned into this aggressively mask-off character who has abandoned all pretense of keeping up appearances. Not really sure about the choice.

Agreed, the more subtle “im a terrible person but you gotta scratch pretty hard to see it” was a more interesting play than “Im a spoiled rich girl who is gonna pretend to care about others but doesnt really give a shit” we are at right now. I think the jump happened in that scene with her parents in the car. She went full mask off as soon as nobody else could see.

As for the cucking thing, Benny mentioned it in the interview with Asher at the beginning of the episode. It prompted my wife to ask if maybe it was Asher’s idea to give the dildo from the first episode a name instead of Stone’s character which now makes a ton of sense.

I realize I’m way late to this party, but I’m glad I finally started watching Flight of the Conchords.


Finally finished the Marvelous Ms. Maisel. Didn’t think it was a show I could get into, but it’s incredibly well done and entertaining. Thought the final season fell off a bit overall, but also had some great moments and so still well worth watching all the way through if you can get into it initially.


I don’t know if Bennie was so much angling to actually cuck Asher so much as he was going HAM to rustle Asher into giving him some usable footage. Bennie strikes me as a guy who would follow through though if it gives him the version of the show he pitched to Whitney.

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Entering the season 6 home stretch of Sopranos. Some very shocking deaths in each season 5. People I thought would be in the show until the end.


I assume there is one in particular that hit the hardest?

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Yes!! I thought she would be in the show until the end.

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Sounds like you’re ready to watch this scene.

(Sopranos S5 spoiler within)


Omg that’s a huge spoiler lol those assholes

Buckle up for Season 6.


God, Rebel Moon was terrible. I couldn’t finish it because it was so dumb.

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The hottest Survivor of all time now playing for the other team.


Was it that she always identified as queer and was just keeping it private, or is it something she recently came to terms with herself?

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I also think this was only meant to show that he’s trying to get him to say something incriminating on camera (and yeah, also with a call back to the “unusual” sex scene from ep 1). My feeling is that, and the combination with how Emma Stone has been more and more unlikable, are made to make us empathize with Asher so that when they (probably) drop their version of the show that’s edited to make him look bad, we feel it/ side with him.

Something I didn’t get from the episode

When Bennie stops the car to take the breathalyzer test, I fully expected that it would go red (and maybe he would offer to walk the rest of the way), basically playing it as in the previous episode, and showing us that it was something he had the habit of doing…But then the test was green ? even though he’s been shown as drinking a lot with the “rum n coke” scene just before ? no idea what we were meant to think there.

I still really like the shows but the last 2 eps have felt (slightly) like filler. Still hopeful that this builds up to a great finale.

She was recently married to, and then divorced from, a man, so it must be relatively new news for herself as well as all of us.