The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

When I was little, I got to see Gordon at a mall appearance. It was the greatest moment of my brief life to that point. I have his autograph somewhere. I always thought of the grown-ups on Sesame Street as real people, not characters.


Season 2. It helps that they donā€™t have to establish the backstories and connections between all of these characters and can just jump straight into the plot.

Two of my favorite things. Alternate timelines and time travel. Plus, appearances by Whoopi Goldberg and John de Lancie.

Iā€™ve been watching. JGL and Kyle Chandler are good. Gordon-Levitt is willing to lean in to being a charismatic dick, which is important for the role.

Itā€™s run by the same guys who do Billions, and it definitely has that same voice in terms of the look and the dialogue style. I like Billions so Iā€™m enjoying Super Pumped as well, but I know some people who donā€™t necessarily dig the constant pop culture references and cadence of their writing, so, ymmv.

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I enjoyed Discovery seasons 1, 2, and 3 quite a bit but I found the first couple of episodes of season 4 to be a bit boring and gave up. Should I go back and finish?

haha as much great feelings as i have for discovery iā€™m in your same position. iā€™m looking forward to going back to it iā€™m just more looking forward to rewatching dumb comedy shows lately instead

btw speaking of! upload s2 released on prime today. we got 7 episodes of sci fi horror comedy, i canā€™t turn that down


time for all the casual star wars fans to give Rebels a look. I have a feeling there are going to be a LOT of tie ins, and not just the inquisitors.

Also, play Jedi Fallen Order for even more insight into the inquisitors.

Itā€™s all coming together nicely.

Spoiler: I think Maureen is drunk on tonightā€™s J!

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The cast of The Raid are all officially part of the Star Wars canon and somehow Disney hasnā€™t thought of making a spinoff show about them. Just an incredible lost opportunity to have an action series with pencak silat and space pirates and a Han Solo tie-in. I would watch the fuck out of that, why hasnā€™t Disney given these guys a call?

Lmao loved that

Actual security question I got just now



Raised by Wolves is so bizarre. Most of the time Iā€™m watching I feel like Iā€™ve missed something that would make me u derstand whatā€™s going on.

I felt the same way. And season 4 has been the best reviewed.

Well, dlk9s Jr is into S2 of Breaking Bad, close to meeting Saul, and he has now expressed interest in chemistry.


Im curious to hear a running tally of seasons for someone new to the series. In hindsight S2 is by far the weakest so Im curious how he feels as he progresses to the eliteness of S3 4 and 5

Obviously, the platonically correct name for a show about the 20th century Lakers would be ā€œShowtimeā€ and obviously that couldnā€™t be used for a show on HBO, but what the fuck, ā€œWinning Timeā€ has to be the absolute worst possible outcome of this situation, thereā€™s no way I could ever bring myself to watch that, just all time WOAT name


They should have used a Lifetime Network style title, like ā€œA Time For Winning: They Jerry Buss Storyā€.


AuntieClimax and I just started Severance. Really enjoyable and weird so far.

Also started Search Party and I canā€™t believe Iā€™d never heard of it. Pretty awesome and getting better by the episode.

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man 5 episodes into Severance and nothing has happened is giving me real Lost vibes. Seriously we know exactly as much about the characters and world as we do in ep 1, minus, I guess Irv + Burt, yay? Havenā€™t seen any one elseā€™s outie. Wild.

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I am genuinely creeped out by how much the ads for this show are showing up on my LinkedIn feed. I am pretty sure that Severance is at itā€™s core an anti-corporate dystopian warning, itā€™s really jarring to see this advertised through LinkedIn unironically, given that the superficially business friendly culture of places like LinkedIn is (I am guessing) specifically what the show is warning us against.