The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Imagine watching a show that gives Dean Cain a paycheck


Iā€™m still mad they canceled the far superior Superboy with Gerard Christopher in order to greenlight his show.

It was modeled so closely after the Christopher Reeves Superman movies.

You know whatā€™s brave?

Starting a war in Iran.

You know whatā€™s brave?

20 more years of war in Afghanistan.

These are the brave truths that the mainstream media just canā€™t handle.

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They certainly gave me pause!

Thanks for the info, Risky. I didnā€™t know that about Cain although he isnā€™t an actor I follow closely at all. I donā€™t know I could name anything he was in post Superman.

Actually, not true. He had a short guest spot on B in Apartment 23. Thatā€™s a pretty good sitcom. Kristin Ritter is great in it.

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Just finished the third episode. Damn good show.

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Just wrapped it up. Definitely a late entry for my favourite tv series of 2013. That 5th episode with the attack on the brothel and the back story about her marriage. Incredible.


Incredible stuff for sure

Yes, and in addition to this, the rhetorical trick also conveniently (for conservatives) can be used to imply that the government should never actually do anything because maybe thereā€™s something else they should do that is even more important! Centrist dems are particularly suspectible to this because it snags their technocratic tendencies. They REALLY love to write white papers about policy. Offering a technocrat the opportunity to convene a task force of academics and industry experts to write a white paper is like throwing a tennis ball for a golden retreiver.


Oh yeah! I think EB posted his favorite screen moments of 2023 in another thread. Ep 5 of BES is my far and away number 1.

That was Clovis:

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Wait, thats what the channel will be called on cable channel guides?

ah yep, my bad.

Eventually every ā€œ+ā€ app is just going to be the standard offering from that media company and therefore the ā€œ+ā€ will be meaningless.

Sopranos S4E4 and still going. This really did get a lot better after the pilot.

Biggest question is how is Joe Pantoliano the worst part of the show? I think heā€™s been very good in a bunch of stuff, so Iā€™m just kinda blindsided how bad I find him in Sopranos.

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I guess that itā€™s fair to say that the nature of his character doesnā€™t lend itself to sophisticated acting. Ralphie is a kind of vanilla sociopath.

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To me, heā€™ll always be Guido.


LOL never seent hat one. Jeez didnā€™t that guy ever have good hair?

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No thatā€™s fair, but thereā€™s just something about his performance that strikes me as fake. Itā€™s subtle, like if theyā€™d just cut away from each take half a second sooner, but instead we get a glimpse of the actor slipping out of his performance just before they cut. Iā€™m enjoying his character and story otherwise.