The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Netflix gave this guy a ton of money to make a show and he didn’t make the show.

He took a huge chunk of the money and put it in his brokerage account and tried to play the stock market.

Beyond that:

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I wish that Larry David would make a Curb season based on this premise, maybe with Leon getting $50 million to make a show and then blowing all the money.

Leon was a truly hilarious character who has since run his course. Glad JB Smoove was able to parlay that into what I’m guessing are pretty lucrative endorsements for really annoying online sportsbook commercials.

So as expected, Xfinity was completely unwilling to work with me on price, only giving me the option to downgrade services. So I cancelled and will go with YouTube TV. They haven’t turned off my cable yet, so FREE TV FOR ME!

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Lol one of my favorite parts of that scene is the old guy saying he makes a fresh pot of coffee every week whether it needs to be made or not. From the rest of his residence, I take that to mean he drinks from the same pot until he makes a new one, which means he is ingesting that old coffee bacteria that makes you poop.

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It had better happen this coming season because as I understand it it will be Curb’s final one, as they’re all getting too old for that shit.

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In excited for the rest of Fargo. It’s really good through 2 episodes. It’ll be hard to top the masterpiece that was s1-2 but the show is always really good.

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Think I’ve been spoiled on The Sopranos enough that I am finally ready to watch it.

S1E1 is now beginning :popcorn:

I have seen the first episode before but never watched far beyond it.


IMO the pilot is one of the weakest episodes of the series. I tried it once and proceeded no further on that watch either. I tried again years later and still thought very little of the pilot, but I plowed ahead anyway. Thankfully gets a lot better quickly.


Oh my goodness! Good luck. Hope you enjoy it.

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Half a dozen semi anonymous posters can’t be wrong!

I saw an interview with Jerry Seinfeld where he states the latter part of this final season will also somehow revisit the finale for Seinfeld. Hoping it delivers for people like me who otherwise haven’t seen much of Curb.

I would love to see a breakdown from the creators on what direction the series would have gone if Livia’s actor hadn’t died. It looked like it was heading towards a huge inner family feud, but I think her remaining in the show would have made signifcant fundamental changes

Edit: dont read that spoiler, RF

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Please remedy this ASAP!


As soon as I hear that damn Journey song over the Sopranos finale!

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Jesus I am just overloaded with shit to watch right now. Good problem to have I guess but outside of movies coming to streaming that I’ve been looking forward to or a series I’m binging and really into I spend too much time browsing and sometimes get fatigue and just throw on seinfeld.

The most recent Doctor Who special was fun. And not just because parts of it will make the anti-woke crowd irate.


Ordinary Men

On Netflix, an hour long documentary about the Nazi holocaust methods and how men who got drafted into the war dealt with having been ordered to commit the holocaust. It covers the book that I read