The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

latest episode of invincible was bonkers


I need to check this out.

Holy shit you got some amazing TV ahead of you, Columbo watch party when?


Finally finished watching Sopranos. The endingā€¦what was the consensus of it at the time it aired?

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Most people hated it. Real blowback was the immediate reaction. I do think that people settled down over time and that it didnā€™t retain the sort of bad will it engendered right in the moment the way that some finales have.

I didnā€™t watch it until years later, but the public reaction fully spoiled me on how the series ended, and when I was watching it back, I was fully aware of the last moment I was headed toward. I actually liked it, but Iā€™m guessing being 100% prepared for it helped. Can easily imagine having a much more negative reaction if I were unspoiled.


The perceived ambiguity drove people nuts. The most common conversation the next day was ā€œI thought my cable went out!ā€ ā€œMe too!ā€ As time has gone on and it became clear what actually happened people came to peace with it. Do we have to spoiler details?

I wonder what the reaction would have been if they had just shown the guy walk up and blast Tony. Definitely would have been less talked about and I think people would have just been like ā€œokā€. And in light of the previous conversation between Tony and Bobby you can definitely see what Chase was attempting.

Yeah, I mean I can still remember watching No Country for Old Men in the theater, seeing the ending, and going ā€œWTF?ā€ even though I had loved most of the movie. I like the ending now, but in the moment I was really thrown that we were suddenly at credits. So Iā€™m very understanding of how people reacted to the end of The Sopranos in the moment, but Iā€™m also glad that it doesnā€™t seem to have lingered; you donā€™t really see it invoked on ā€œworst finalesā€ lists or anything like that the way you might have when it was fresh.

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Given that Chase seems like such a grump I find it very amusing that he has spent the rest of his life fielding questions about the finale that he thought were clearly answered by the finale.


Itā€™s hilarious. Chase most certainly didnā€™t stick the landing with the finale (or whatever the phrase is for a last episode) and then subsequently makes it worse by trying to not explaining himself, then explaining himself with an answer that made it worse.

I hated the ending like most, but upon reflection over the years have come to really appreciate how clever it was to WHACK THE AUDIENCE. Especially in context of the previous conversations between Tony and Bobby while at the house in the woods. Tony may have died in the assassination attempt, but weā€™ll never know, and neither does Chase.


The ending for No Country threw me the first time. I compare it to the ending of There Will be Blood, where the antagonists at least face each other for a kind of final showdown. But NCfOM played like we were watching Bellā€™s dark night of the soul leading to a big climax. Instead we got ROLL CREDITS.

Itā€™s amazing, just didnā€™t make sense to me first time seeing it.

Going to give Xfinity one more try to work with me on price before going to YouTube TV. I already did a one week trial, so I donā€™t think Iā€™m eligible for any special intro pricing.

Iā€™m a Google universe guy (as opposed to Apple). Is there any reason not to just create a new Google account to get a new customer benefit? Obviously Iā€™d still use my regular account for the rest of my stuff (Gmail, classic YouTube, etc.). I guess swapping back and forth if I want to watch something on my phone would be a pain?

Plan is to mostly watch on an actual TV.

Funny i just watched Old Country this morning (maybe my 3rd viewing but itā€™s been a while) and had completely forgot how the 2nd half played out. The ending is a bit jarring.

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Clip from WKRPā€™s Turkey episode. So funny.


I had vaguely heard how the Sopranos ended but purposely steered clear of the details. Initial reaction was that I liked the ambiguity of the ending.

And loved the show overall. Will definitely rewatch at some point.

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In hindsight, the most jarring part is a character voluntarily offering to listen to a retelling of someone elseā€™s dream. Now thatā€™s true love.


Have a lot of thoughts swimming in my head regarding the final season of Sopranos, but this is the one thatā€™s presently puzzling me the most:

Tonyā€™s sessions with Dr. Melfi was one of the most enduring themes throughout the duration of the show, and yet the way it ended between those two was so abrupt and pointless. It took Melfi all those years to figure out that her therapy was just further enabling Tonyā€™s sociopathic behavior, so just pulled the plug and that was it?

Yeah I think Tony should have ended up whacking the rapist and her realizing what being connected to Tony could do to anybody that is tangentially related to her.


I found that throughout the series thereā€™s several times it appears they were setting up a certain storyline only to have it go nowhere. Great show overall but it did feel like the overall story arc was at times slapped together.
I agree with the way things ended with Melfi being abrupt and pointless. I think thereā€™s a few ways they couldā€™ve handled that better, at a minimum Melfi doing more than just kicking him out of her office and that being the end of it.