The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I’ll put it on the list. I do dig the movie.

If you like the movie you’ll enjoy it. The entire cast came back along with Edgar Wright

Ha, I did know they got promoted ahead of time. Still, it is amazing how well this show gets me emotionally involved. And the Rocky music was amazing.

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For the record: Jo and Sean both stopped to pay passing tribute to two Albert Brooks movies in relation to this show (specifically to draw parallels between the manipulated tears for TV in episode 1 in relation to Broadcast News, as the first reference). I’m just going to take this as proof that the Brooks documentary is working.

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One thing from the latest episode of The Curse:

I found that Fielder’s character Asher has quickly entered the rare category of “POV character I actively root against.”

Was 100% wanting his casino plot to get wrecked at all points.

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how do yall watch jeopardy? I currently have hulu with live TV but I’m about to dump the live portion because jeopardy is basically the only thing I watch and it’s almost $90 all in for hulu live now.

usenet download. posted semi-regularly

Jeopardy watchers: did you see this guy and was he as obnoxious as people apparently say? I’ve only watched one clip and he didn’t seem that bad. I’ve known him for a long time.

People take Jeopardy way too seriously. Last week, my wife was reading something on her phone and said, “Looks like Jeopardy fans are pissed off about something again.”


There is a site called that acts as a torrent client and gives you like two gigs of storage for free. I have the occasional show I watch on it. Get the links from whatever (the pirates bay or others you know that work) and paste into interface and watch that way. If you don’t have a computer hooked up to a tv it can limit playback.

Keeps you from getting caught up by torrent bots trying to grab your ip and John Doe you. I use ths to watch last week tonight when I don’t have max, for example.

Ok, started both The Curse and Invincible, the former because I wanted to, the latter because dlk9s jr wanted to. Watched both with my son and wife.

First episode of The Curse was great, but while the content warning at the beginning warned about nudity, I did not see the (clothed but graphic) sex scene coming. That was REALLY awkward to watch with my kid. The actual nudity was hilarious. Will probably watch the rest of it either with just my wife or by myself (not sure if she liked it).

Invincible is fantastic. We’ve burned through three episodes so far. I had heard good things, but wasn’t really that interested. My son was really adamant that we should try it and he was right.

EDIT: Added spoiler tag.


lol spoilers, but maybe also kinda glad I know about that going in

I figured it wasn’t really a true spoiler, but also worth mentioning in case anyone else gets put in the awkward position I was in.

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Yeah, I have a feeling this isnt going to be a “cant wait to watch this with my teenage kids” type show.


We loved watching Nathan For You together, so we figured…


Ok, sold on eventually giving the first ep a whirl.


This is a pretty good attempt at a Yogi Berra bit: “No one goes to that restaurant anymore; it’s too crowded”

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re: spoiler

i can’t imagine a scenario where your kid isn’t traumatized for the rest of his life from watching that scene with you. i’m an adult and i’m traumatized by it.

The Curse is a very dark show that fills me with intense dread and anxiety. i don’t know why i’m even watching it.


For me it’s like the very best horror stories. Even when there’s a “happy” ending, it comes at too great a cost. Helps me face that kind of experience in the real world.

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What’s a TV?