The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Saw this headline today:

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Now Iā€™ve really got to see it.

You know. For science. And not in the science way where you can predict whether I will like something by whether it has a sub 5.0 IMDb score.

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So long, Doom Patrol. The last episode was a lot of epilogue, but it felt like appropriate endings for all the characters.

Watched the first episode of The Curse.

Its fantastic. Very funny at times but also incredibly effective at building dread and tension. Really looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.

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Itā€™s really no shock to find that Nathan Fielder can act so effectively in a seemingly fully scripted environment, but it was good to see all the same.

My review of it falls short of ā€œfantastic,ā€ but I donā€™t think itā€™s probably any less optimistic than your reaction. This episode spent so much time laying groundwork and creating fascinating threads to tug on that it filled me with confidence that Iā€™m going to ultimately love the 10-episode season as a whole, but I did feel like it got slowed up a bit by all that work that I kind of assume will feel well worth it as things play out.

Some more spoilery thoughts:

*Iā€™m sort of wondering if very many big-name actors would actually agree to portray a dude with a micro-penis? Maybe Iā€™m underestimating the acting community as a whole in thinking that, but it just seemed like the type of selfless move that demonstrates a respectable lack of vanity. Think it was pretty obvious that was a prosthetic, but then I go looking around for reactions and a bunch of them are credulously going, ā€œWas that really his dick?ā€ I just feel like lots of actors wouldnā€™t be cool with tha, let alone the bedroom scene that further punctuated it.

*The finger-snap really does occupy rare air among the list of shitty behaviors people can engage in. Up until that point in the episode, it was clear that Asher was a flawed dudeā€¦then he snaps his finger at the woman and suddenly I had this visceral desire for someone to punch him.

*I love the fact that itā€™s an open question as to whether the curse is real, since it can work as an effective plot device whether itā€™s real or whether itā€™s just something that Whitney stupidly believes in and that Asher has now lied to her about in a way thatā€™s surely going to bite him. I imagine weā€™re never getting an answer to that unless the show takes a clearly supernatural turn that Iā€™m not really expecting (but honestly canā€™t rule out, because with Fielder who the fuck knows).

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Started due to this rec. I like.
It feels strange that the original language is English. Iā€™m so used to hearing Japanese and reading English.

First episode is fantastic. Tight writing, suspenseful, funny, violent. Great voice cast, Tagawa is a master in his role. Dude can act his way through anything and I need to go back and watch more of his stuff.

Really looking forward to finishing this. It is art. Achingly beautiful. Seeing animation in this style made specifically for an English audience is a very cool touch, and Ill be happy to see more like this in the future. One of my barriers to anime and eastern animation is that I have a lot of trouble with lip synching not matching the audio. Obv subs help with that, but the native synching here really lets me sit back and enjoy the beautiful art.


Holy shit, some of the visuals in episode two, especially the entirety of the cliff fight, are stunning beyond belief.

Just watched the Gen V finale (effing kids slowing me down!) and

This seems HIGHLY speculative! Finale seemed pretty straightforwards to me (in an entertaining way!), with Homie Homes coming to do his thing and all the non-confirmist supes taking the fall. What are you basing your speculation on? Something I didnā€™t catch?

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Thought about watching a youtoob recap of invincible s1 before s2, but Iā€™m just gonna rewatch s1. Immensely enjoyable! Atom Eve extra ep was pretty cool too imo.

Iā€™m basing it on The Boys having pulled this hat trick several times already, not any smoking gun from the end of the episode. Thereā€™s a certain kind of storytelling logic to the show. But Iā€™m ready to be wrong.

Certainly possible given the chatter among the board and previous history, Iā€™ll give you that.

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I canā€™t wait to find out. Iā€™m also glad to have a show I care enough about to debate like this with you. Game of Thrones and Westworld wore me the eff out.

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Hoooooly shit.

Blue Eye Samurai E5 is in the upper ecehlon of TV episodes. Put it on the list with Plan and Execution, Ozymandias and the rest. Its so good.


Have never watched a saw movie. Am I missing anything?

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Unless youā€™re into that sort of thing


Gen V

I have a bit of a theory. I hate it. But I think the whole last sequence could be a dream. That whole scene where Cate lays her head on Shettyā€™s lap and is like. ā€œYou do love meā€. But then next thing we see her sheā€™s just like ā€œyeah. Gonna kill Shettyā€ doesnā€™t make sense. So I think everything after that could be Cate fucking with their minds.

a couple of other things that makes me think thereā€™s a major twist incoming. 1. No one takes a blast from Homelander and survives. 2. The whole Shetty, super virus storyline has way more to play.

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I came in here specifically to post about Blue Eye Samurai. Stumbled on it randomly one night and binged the whole season. Itā€™s fantastic.


I think Iā€™m 1 ep and done with The Curse. I probably wouldā€™ve quit after 15 minutes if I hadnā€™t been watching with my wife. Itā€™s pretty weird, and not in a hilarious way that makes me laugh, and Iā€™m not really that interested in seeing Nathan act in a semi-dramatic role. Iā€™m kinda disappointed that his latest project isnā€™t similar to his other ones. I wouldā€™ve much rather had The Rehearsal S2.