The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Took a decent while to accept this thing where Jesse Plemons is a pretty big movie star. Many years in between of me going, “wait, why the fuck does Landry just get to keep hanging around every movie set for the rest of time?”


Same, and in reverse it also took me a very long time to accept that Taylor Kitsch / Tim Riggins would never be a big star, and that it wasn’t just due to bad luck but that he’s legitimately a not that good actor.

I never watched FNL, so my experience is always “how the fuck is Meth Damon getting these really major roles?”

Ill be honest, I always see things about how Todd is this terrifying villain in Breaking Bad, and Ive just never gotten it. Hes fine, but man his character is one note. Yes we get it, you’re a Nazi sociopath who acts like a nice guy. Oooooooo, spooky.


FNL definitely framed him in a different way than Breaking Bad, but I don’t disagree that he’s fairly one-note in his performances. He’s just kind of grown on me a bit. I did think he was a value add to Killers of the Flower Moon most recently.


He was good in Fargo iirc


He’ll always be the captain of the USS Callister to me.

Just looked and he’s been a cast member of a Best Picture nominee 6 of the last 8 years (soon to be 7 or the last 9).

That’s quite a run.


He was also great in Game Night.

Dude is subtle but far from one note imo (unless that’s the role).

This is what made me a big fan of Adam Driver.

Well, that and this commercial.

I’m pretty sure Burberry tests on animals and is not cruelty free so that’s kind unfortunate he was in that

Fallout will be a Prime TV show. Spent way too many hours on those games.

Cautiously optimistic? Will be directed by Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan


Dang :flushed:

Oh fk yeah. The superior Nolan is back baby!!

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Doing a Wire rewatch for the first time in 7 or 8 years, through season 1 now and it is still so god damn good. Even with pagers, pay phones and typewriters it didn’t really feel dated. King stay the king


Bosch Legacy S2E1

Loved the show coming back


Pretty disappointed in the overused plot twists of 1) Buried in a box in the desert. 2) Perp negotiating a walk in exchange for the life of the victim buried in a box in the desert

Haunting of Hill House is by far the best to me. Midnight Mass was good but had a bunch of very annoying monologues of this pseudo-spiritualist stuff that the writer apparently thought was profound. It was like being backed into a corner by a drunk and high guy at a party while he explains his theories of the universe to you. I also remember not being crazy about the ending, but I don’t remember what I didn’t like now.

Bly Manor is… OK. Worth watching if you like his stuff.

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I’m re-watching them after having finished Usher and being unsure of how I would rank them due to the passage of time etc. I’m currently on the penultimate episode of Hill House and I think you’re spot on. Unless Bly Manor is better than I remember, Hill House is champ. Just gets under your skin from the first episode. I forgot how much dread and sadness it made me feel. Ugh.

Usher was cool and all but way different in tone from his other series. I’d like to see more stuff from him similar to Hill House. I think they are all worth watching but if you were only going to watch one, Hill House should be it.

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The article refers to The Bear as a dark comedy and i was taken aback. It’s been a while but i dont remember laughing. Am i remembering the show wrong?

  • The Bear is a dark comedy
  • The Bear is a drama
0 voters

It’s a drama with dark comedy elements.

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Inclined to call it a drama more than a dark comedy. The Fak brothers were certainly pure comic relief, and there were very deliberate laugh lines inserted, but it’s very difficult to name a quality drama that didn’t have occasional laughs along the way. The primary sensibility being tickled is the dramatic one rather than the comedic one, so it just doesn’t seem right to primarily classify it as any form of comedy, even as a dark comedy.


Personally, I think of it as more dramatic. However, if you look at award nominations, it often is placed in the comedy category. I’m not sure exactly how those categories are defined, but I think at least part of it is based on run time (most of the “comedies” are 30-40 minute episodes while dramas tend to be hour long), which seems like a weird distinction, but is probably some weird vestage from the broadcast days when programmers would run blocks of “comedies” from 8-10 and then one drama from 10-11

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