The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Bosom Buddies too. Oh Tom Hanks lol

A lot of stuff just wouldn’t play these days unless the person is legitimately trying to go stealth for safety and survival. Okay and to negotiate a better price on the rent, but hey we’ve all been there.

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Got caught up. Very good ep.

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Frasier (2023)

From the opening notes and Frasier’s first step onto screen, you can feel the show reaching for authenticity. And there’s no denying that Kelsey Grammar owns the role. When he’s talking, the show is flying–and not just for that sly Wings reference. Or the sly Cheers reference. Or the–

Okay, tbh none of it is sly. None of it is subtle. It’s a bunch of place setting, which is fine for a premiere with so much legacy to honor, but the whole episode feels rushed.

There was a moment of about ten seconds when the episode reveals the situational hijinx the episode has been setting up, but it rushes through the fun part so fast that I felt cheated.

The new characters felt kinda one note until they were alone and revealed their real intentions for being so friendly toward Frasier lololol that part was great and sets up good fun for the season.

But it’s basically an entirely new cast, and there’s no denying (for me) that the success of the prior Frasier owed a large debt to the chemistry between the leads. It’s too soon to know if that chemistry will be there over time for this newest iteration.

I chuckled and laughed a few times but am not sure I’ll watch ep2 unless the season gets reviews too good to ignore.

Giving this 2.5/5 with potential.


Does this excite anyone?

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Aquaman is not emblematic of his potential. He has done a ton of amazing stuff, first with X-Files, then Final Destination, Saw, and Insidious.

I daresay I am more excited about a James Wan adaptation than I would have been for Jordan Peele’s.

The early seasons of the cartoon were pretty good.

Kind of interesting, I’m in a different place with both shows. I feel like The Boys S3 kind of ran out of steam, and Gen V is not doing much for me in terms of breaking new ground so far, although it’s a high quality spinoff. Loki doesn’t ask much of me and is a relatively easy watch. I do wonder why they’re making the time travel stuff so convoluted, like I literally stop listening and check the phone when they say something about timelines, although the overall fallout-esque feel of the TVA is kinda cool.

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I love stories that don’t require my full attention.

An essential element in those stories for me, however, is that it’s easy to follow what’s happening no matter when I turn my attention to it.

Loki episode 2 is incomprehensible and retcons everything that led up to it into nonsense.

I’m hoping episode 3 brings it back home because s2ep1 was excellent, but man, they’re supposed to prune unwanted variants. Instead they pruned almost any chance for enjoying the show.

A lie obv. If it’s good again I’ll forgive them, but episode 2 was that bad. Prune this episode and pretend it never existed imo.

Btw for anyone watching Gen V, Decoding TV from David Chen had Jessie Gender on as their guest to discuss eps 1-3.

We going backwards again.

Honestly, I am disappointed at the lack of courtroom drama scenes in Daredevil and She-Hulk.

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If they can’t top this, why even try?

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lol was that Stan Lee in the jury box? I need to watch The Incredible Hulk TV show someday.

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It’s actually really good!

You know. Ish.

It’s Oscar material compared to what they did to poor Spider-Man lol

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Lol every film critic I listen to is shitting all over how bad the second episode was lol lol lol. They better bring it back home in ep3 because I’ll go full vengeful demigod if they waste Ouroboros. We just got him back in the game!

When I was a kid it was a staple of Friday night sleepovers.

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That’s awesome. Were y’all super into all of the comic book adaptations at the time? I thought I was an uber fan, but I admit I missed some of the more esoteric stuff like the original Doctor Strange movie.

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Looks like a Greatest American Hero and Mr. T mashup.


lol. That’s crazy. I missed that.