The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I think the outcome that would disappoint the most people is most likely: Superbowl commercial



Do you feel that way in general? My feeling is that virtually every legasequel should stop production unless it can be better than a perfectly executed Superbowl commercial. To me, that is Plan A even for Seinfeld.

Meh, you’re right, this is likely what it is. Don’t know why Jerry would tease something that stupid.

It could be something that he and Larry are currently pitching, which would explain why Julia didn’t know about it.

I get the impression they both like getting buttloads of money for a day’s work, rich as they already are.

You can make the argument that 30 or 60 seconds of bad is better than a full season of bad, but I think “just don’t do it” is still the winner. I thought the Sopranos commercial was embarrassing, except I totally support AJ and Meadow getting that bag.

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“We’ll be here for you when its awful, RF”

Ahhhh, prophecy, thy name is CanadaMatt

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For sure, I’d say this in general, but there have been quite a few that knocked it out of the park such that I’m on board if it can be done well.

For example:

And of course to bring it full circle back to Jerry and Larry:

I collected lots more examples in an older article: The Legasequel Theorem

But as you said, the odds are not in their favor. The best idea is to just let each franchise enjoy their long rest.

Case in point is this abomination. How dare they sully the legacy of the finest cleaner in all of Pulp Fiction?

Thank you friend. A lesser person would not have let me admit my fault so quickly.

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What was with the weird edit at the end of GenV E4?

One minute Emma is holding Sam down in Prof Cardosa’s yard, then we get a couple of beats of black screen, then Marie waking up in bed with Jordan plus Tek trying to get with a hand dryer spout.

Might be a couple of days before I see E5. Dunno if that will explain it.

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I thought ep4 explained it but ep5 def clarified what happened if you want the show to explain.

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Who doesn’t love boatloads of money? Although Larry has never struck me as someone obsessed with swimming in material luxury. At least his character on Curb always drove cars that were extremely modest for someone of his means.

Especially with all the extra money he banked as a social assassin.

Its explained in Ep5

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I actually have a real-life Larry David / CYE experience - I witnessed him struggling to get out of the parking garage at my office building (this is apparently a recurring thing with him, I know there’s a video of this happening in Santa Monica and I think it happened on the show). Anyway, he was in a Model S.


Finished Station Eleven.

Mostly liked it, especially the parts 0-1 years after the pandemic. The stuff in year 20 was more hit and miss, especially Tyler’s redemption arc. Are we just supposed to forget about the fact that he was basically a cult leader?

Book was 10/10. This was more of a 7/10. Good, could have (and should have) been great, but just didn’t get there.


I didn’t enjoy the show after the time jump, but if the book is a 10/10… :open_book:

RIP. Loved Step by Step, especially the early crossover with Family Matters.

She made exercise fun.

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Three’s Company was a classic.

Imagine today a plot of a male with two female roommates having to pretend he’s gay so they won’t be evicted out by their nosy landlord.

Yet somehow, back then, it was feasible enough that the show lasted like 7 seasons.

They could remake Three’s Company where Jack is trans but has to pretend to be cis so their Trumper landlord doesn’t murder them. Funny!