The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Yay!! I’m digging it too. Really giving me the same vibes as Extraordinary (infinitely rewatchable show), but with a lot more violence and nudity lol.

I’ll never imagine an erection the same way again :flushed:

(please don’t ban me)

My first time watching…Cheers.

S1E1 is as good as the retrospectives claim. Nice to know I have so many wonderful episodes ahead of me.


Woah. Enjoy. Top 3 all time for me. Maybe #1

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I can see why!

I’ve seen Frasier countless times, but I think the bar setting kept me from Cheers. I’m in a place now where I can look at the alcohol and alcoholics the same way as Ted Danson and take the rest as it is :slight_smile:

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If you liked the pilot that much then the future is bright. It’s a good pilot, but like basically any good comedy the quality ramps up over time (before eventually ramping back down years later).

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I can only imagine. I know enough to look ahead to some dynamite additions to the cast. Has Woody Harrelson always been so cool?

I just realized where I’ve heard one voice in particular before.

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Rewatched in the last five years. The show holds up well. You are in for a good time.

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I think you’ll find during the Coach years just a feat it was for Woody to step in so effectively when he does. By all rights the loss of Coach and Diane should have gutted the show, but the show remains strong for pretty much the whole run.

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Diane leaves?! Losing Coach I could see being as devastating a loss as I’m assuming Niles and Martin will be to the continuation of Frasier.

But Diane from my POV so far is arguably the main character. To lose her and the show still hits it home? Impressive. Most impressive.

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Err, my apologies, I definitely didn’t think I was divulging a spoiler there.

“I didn’t know it was possible to wake up out of a coma.”
“I didn’t know it was possible to not know that.”


Oh no worries, I’m sure I “knew” that from watching the Jose retrospective, just no real foundation to remember the details when I had never seen the show outside of a few clips and retrospectives.

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This is a bit rambly and has some spoilery stuff so I dont recommend reading it, but the gist is “superbly acted, 5 stars”


Secret camera catching LKJ’s expression right now

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I heeded his spoiler warning and then cursed him under my breath for even opening the can of worms by posting it. Did not click. Glad that it’s a rave review though.


Our friends have a point. There is a lot of this stuff going around, and you have to wonder whether even the most progressive parents really believe their kids need to learn whether in addition to being blue and wearing a diaper, Gonzo in Muppet Babies is gender-queer. (Do Muppets in fact have sex? Inquiring minds don’t in fact want to know.)

Paw Patrol is Giorgio Agamben’s nightmare, a country in which a permanent state of emergency exists, under which governments have limitless power to rule unilaterally. There is no society or even commerce in Paw Patrol , only the relentless unthinking force of the police state, ostensibly responding to a never-ending crisis. It is the most influential work of fascist art since Ezra Pound.

Worse still than the omnidirectional sense of faux-crisis is the depiction of the offenders on the receiving end of the Paw Patrol’s mob justice. The Ruff-Ruff Pack, collar-less and dirty, are clearly working class dogs; no attempt is ever made to reform or otherwise induce them to behave better. It’s as if they exist to be brutalised. (One thinks of those lines of Auden: “Somebody chose their pain, / What needn’t have happened did.”)

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No mention of incurably narcissistic Mayor Humdinger, who many people say is a lot like a prominent indicted asshole


last ned (2)


Julia Louis-Dreyfus Responds to Jerry Seinfeld Teasing Potential ‘Seinfeld’ Reunion: ‘I Don’t Know What the Hell He’s Talking About’

Lol I think this means whatever Seinfeld is planning will just be another kind of Curb homage vague enough not to confuse anyone who never saw Seinfeld (dafuq) vs longtime nitpicking fans.

Newest episode of Gen V is fantastic.

Newest episode of Loki was so bad I no longer care about this stupid show.