The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Loki has been the best MCU TV show to date, no question. Disagree that it’s utterly transcendent like Andor though. I just rewatched S1 a few months ago, so I’m pretty fresh on it. I just feel broken by MCU TV, and the Jonathan Majors saga really doesn’t help the situation.

I guess I won’t be able to resist at least giving S2 an initial go though.


Ah see I didn’t find Andor transcendent is the thing lol so for me they’re both just great and Loki hit it even better for me. But I did think Ahsoka knocked it out of the park. And I recognize Andor is magnificent, just somehow not to my taste. I can’t explain why.

It’s worth acknowledging that TV shows centered on journalists are supposed to tackle relevant events in their unique tone. The Newsroom’s now infamous “5/1,” about reporting Osama Bin Laden’s death, did just that. The episode—in which, among other things, the lead anchor is high—is very preachy, sticking to Aaron Sorkin’s MO for the entire run of the HBO drama. (Interestingly, Sorkin gets a pretty funny shout-out in this TMS episode.) Does it come off as a bit over the top? Sure. But that is very much in the spirit of that show. The difference is that while “Love Island” is very TMS, it amps up the ridiculousness—and tries to cover—too much.

Now I am definitely watching season 3 lol this show

Only Murders S3 finale was fine. Nothing bad, but definitely a step back from the finale last year.


This was awesome!!

If you’re looking for a short but intense ride to binge over the weekend, Hijack is five bags.


The problem is streamers don’t see the profit motive to go past three seasons so they cut it. Traditional networks had ad revenue to show that they should continue a show without a second thought but a streamer calculation is much more nebulous and usually how many accounts will cancel if we cancel this show. It sucks as a dynamic. Only extreme tent pole shows will last on established streamers.

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In theory shows having limited runs and leaving before they outstay their welcome should be a good thing. Imagine if the creators of Lost had known for sure theyd only ever get 3 seasons that might have been an all time great show rather than an incoherent mess. Obviously in late capitalist hellscape the platforms somehow manage to take a possibly mutually beneficial situation and do the worst possible version of it.

When does Severance come back? I feel like I’m paying my $5/month or whatever for Apple TV just waiting for that.

Yeeesh, the scene at the end of Ep3 is intense. Ive never really seen that happen to someone before.

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2025 for sure didn’t film during strike.

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You could just stop and resume when it returns, whenever that may be.

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Same boat. Tons of conflicting info out there, they confirmed started filming s2 a year ago, but it looks like the strike + creative differences have tanked that and current word is s2 could be aired any time from mid-2024 to mid-2025.

I need to rewatch s1. At the time I really liked it and thought it was smart & ambitious & fun but man between then and now I’ve forgotten like half the plot points and lost some excitement for it (in a way that I haven’t lost my buzz for stuff like say Andor or Dune)

Kinda feel the same way about Loki. I love at most 5% of MCU content and appreciate another 10-15%, but I think I would have liked the rest of the MCU a lot more if it had been packaged in the form of a concept album or wrestlemania event or world religion. But I did think Loki was good and I’d watch s2. So why am I having such a hard time remembering s1? Probably it’s the ten million gummies but it might also be because the MCU has just worn me the fuck out, like at this point when I feel like watching something from the MCU genre of storytelling then I should probably just grab an old Sharper Image catalog, it’s faster and cheaper and if I’m lucky maybe I’ll get a paper cut and feel something

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Finished this today. Also enjoyed it. I wonder if they’ll do a season 2.

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Wheel of Time season 2 finale was great.

Getting into the weeds with this breakdown :popcorn:

Andrew: Is this a great show? Not usually. But it continues to be better than it has any right to be, given its un-adaptable source material. See you next season!

They talk about stuff that probs bothers book devotees, but I remember very little about the books and thought the finale hit all the right spots.

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I’m still not really digging this retelling of WoT. They still make changes that make no sense even from an adaptability perspective, imo. A small example is Nynaeve’s Accepted test. There is little reason they couldn’t have just run through it the way it happened in the books. Also, sending Rand off on his own rather than have him travel after the Horn of Valere is really disappointing, too. His interactions with the Seanchan at the end of Book 2 were fantastic. Even changes like the seals on the Dark One’s prison don’t make any sense. They are a simple, cool thing that could have easily been accurately replicated for TV. A black and white disk like a yin Yang symbol. But for some unknown reason they just made it a big rock that we are supposed to understand shattered.

They also don’t spend nearly enough time developing characters or the world. The seals in the dark one’s prison is also an example of this. The lore behind the Dark One and how he was sealed away with the Chosen is really interesting and ads a lot to the story and the drama around the seals in his prison and the Chosen. The producers just don’t bother with any of that. Also the introduction of the Seanchan is lazy and disappointing, imo.

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Alright, the Owen Wilson/Tom Hiddleston dynamic on Loki remains delightful, and Ke Huy Quan is a great addition. I’m more optimistic about the season to come now.

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Six Part Fan-Made Lost Documentary 815 Explores the Complicated Production of the J.J. Abrams-Directed Pilot Episode

The pilot episode, directed by Abrams and filmed in Oahu, Hawaii, was at the time the most expensive in history, a title it held for a long time. For this reason, YouTuber and Lost fan kuhpunkt (who’s real name is Stefan Lensa) took the time to collect hours of video content about the making of the show’s pilot, transforming it into a six-part documentary titled 815, the number of the flight where the protagonists were traveling

Yeah I worded that poorly. What I really did was pay $60 or $70 up front for a year. I guess I’ll try to watching more Foundation to see if it gets good. The couple episodes of Invasion I saw were so shockingly terrible that I was blown away to see it’s on a second season.

EDIT: I’ll definitely give that Legacy of Monsters show a try when it premieres. I’m not optimistic though; some of these Apple shows look high-budget, star-studded etc and then are straight duds

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It does. S2 >>> S1.