The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I like the Norman Reedus Spin-Off from TWD, but didn’t they just steal the plot from “The Last of Us”?

Hahaha, great description! Mirrors my feelings exactly. Talk about casting by looks only.

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No, it’s totally different because it’s a different type of zombie!

…you mean “Walkers”… :transmet_smiley:


This is what drives me nuts about getting into a new streaming series. It pisses me off when they get canceled and I end up wasting my time.

Happened to me with Inside Job. Thought it was terrific and was getting off the ground in season 2 only for it to get canceled. So lame.

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Realized that Honey from Winning Time was Meadow’s lunatic roommate at Columbia. I love stuff like that.

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Such an egregious cancelation too. It was getting both critical acclaim and had reported really decent watch times.

Animation is just so much more expensive, I wonder if a traditional network ends up holding onto it longer.

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Random “celebrity appearance before they were a star” that I just found out today: Lady Gaga was in The Sopranos:



Based on the first episode (free without trial or subscription through Topic), I am placing the South Korean anthology series SF8 in the pantheon of Black Mirror equals.

Episode 1: In a care home, a mother has been in a coma for 10 years, and her carer is exhausted. The nursing robot, which looks after both of them, becomes distressed when it has to decide who it should save.

The ending is really what makes a great Black Mirror episode, and SF8 episode 1 is a banger.

Trailer for whole season.

Was NOT expecting what happened at the end of Episode 3.

Episode 4 also very good.

Matt Jones comes off better in these episodes.

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Oh shit, was just about to watch Ep3. Now excite

SF8 continued.

Episodes 2-4 were good but did not reach the excellence of episode 1 “The Prayer.”

Then I watched episode 5: “Baby It’s Over Outside”

I give this episode 10 out of 10 bags.

We’ve detected an asteroid. It’s the end of the world…unless a group of misfits find each other.

Remember the superhumans in the near future of Looper? They had telekinesis, but it was so low powered that a lot of people were seen as jokes. What a worthless power (let’s forget the exceptions).

This episode of SF8 suggests there are already rare but numerous people throughout the world who have other variations of powers that are just too minimal for them to fight crime or even get noticed.

But what if an asteroid were hurtling toward earth?

What if all attempts to stop it had failed?

What if our only hope now rests in those people finding each other and combining those ultra subtle superpowers into something that could save the world?

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Wish Bill Maher’s writers would do likewise.

I don’t care about any of this until it’s any damn good, but HOLY FUCK am I excited to see whatever this part turns out to be.

He said, “Viola Davis is going to team up with members of Team Peacemaker and this is a story that’s been created by Christal Henry who did Watchmen and Jeremy Carver who created the Doom Patrol. It is a fantastic story that’s out of this world.”


Well they somehow did it.

They managed to make me care 0% about anything MCU related and yet care 110% about Loki season 2. Can’t wait for 6pm :popcorn:

We’ll be here when the disappointment hits, RF


I’m really apathetic about S2. I suppose I might watch at some point. S1 was good though.

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I was just rewatching the first few s1 episodes and I think you’d be just as excited if you revisited. The other shows, even WandaVision, were interesting one offs.

But Loki operates on another level of quality the same as Andor and Ahsoka to Star Wars.