The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

That’s basically what I’m trying to say. I’ll never be able to unsee Ross, however great David’s performance may be.

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Fair enough but he was definitely not timid shy goofy Ross in Band of Brothers, if you haven’t seen that. You will hate him I promise! (And Not for his acting necessarily )

BoB is high on the list of next things to watch based on the street buzz here, and I had no idea Ross was even in it.

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He’s not a main character in BoB, only in a couple episodes iirc

Lol how bad could they be :popcorn:

Fun little poker player cameo on Billions this week. Slightly triggering for me because Selbst once tried to move in on the girl I was also trying to date, but an amusing reminder that the writers like a gamble.


Correct, his character Sobel trains the paratroopers and I think that goes through episode 2. We see him again briefly later in the series, though, in an uncomfortable interaction with Winters.

Both are great imo but I imagine I am one of the few who enjoyed The Pacific more than BoB.



Gotta think Drew Barrymore is extra frustrated to find out that she could have just waited another week and not shown her ass last week.


Same thought


It was just added to the States! The Terror is now available on Prime, Shudder, and AMC.


Whoop whoop! Hope that goes high up on your backlog!

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I’ve read like the first seven books [of the wheel of time] probably 20+ years ago, so can’t remember much.

That’s neither here nor there really, but I’ve watched the first four episodes based on the fact that season 2 got better reviews than season 1 but…

I find the acting pretty bad (particularly Rand and Perrin). The script feels stilted and unnatural much of the time. It’s like a shadow of a good fantasy show, with the basics in place (a hero will emerge! The protagonists barely escape with their lives - several times!) but not much beyond that.

Did you ever get to s2? Anyone else? I’m about to give up and looking for guidance if it ever measurably improves.

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I’ve got it up to watch next :+1:

Is this a show you think I’ll know pretty fast if I’m into it or should I sit back for a few? I don’t mind waiting a few episodes if I know it takes a minute to warm up.

It does take some episodes to warm up, but I think you’ll know by ep 3.


I just decided to give season 2 a shot last night. Only watched an episode, but it’s marked better than the first season imo from production/acting standpoiny


Good like GOOD or good like Revenge of the Sith being good can’t be separated from the feeling of relief after the lead-in of Attack of the Clones :face_with_monocle:

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