The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

You’re right, it was quite dramatic. But I think that’s in part why fans hated Friends. It felt like Thirty Something where they’d replaced the depth with a laugh track.

If you liked Band of Brothers the podcast series Dead Eyes is highly worth a listen. It’s about an actor trying to figure out why Tom Hank’s fired him from that show. Really fun.

More a ripoff of Living Single which of course was a black cast and aired on FOX. I mean here’s the pitch from Wikipedia.

I mean tell me that isn’t Friends.

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I think a lot of late 80s/early 90s shows will seem like “rip offs” of each other because 97% of shows were about priviliged white people in New York.

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This is why I have gone ahead and embraced the virtues of Tubi.

If a platform is gonna make me watch shitty ads, they better be free and they better be for actual shit, not stuff that might be good and will distract me from my tenth viewing of [redacted].


I like how whenever these services introduce a “with ads” option, they increase the price of the “ad-free” version instead of making the ad-supported option cheaper.

Not that anybody really cares, but actors get paid WAY less for streaming commercials than they did/do for broadcast television commercials.


I really wanted to love this, but despite flashes of brilliant intention, this show arrives already excommunicado.

Three spoiler free quotes.

“The Continental” stars Colin Woodell as a younger version of Winston Scott (Ian McShane), the proprietor of the titular boarding house’s New York branch. Asking an actor to channel presence and gravitas like McShane’s is essentially a suicide mission, and “The Continental” only makes matters worse by framing Winston as a faint echo of Keanu Reeves’ avenging ex-assassin, transplanted to 1970s New York and weighed down with unnecessary backstory.

Despite the name, “The Continental” offers little new information as to the hotel’s origins or operations, which might be of interest to devoted “John Wick” fans. Instead, the show heaps on emotional context that runs counter to the films’ artful minimalism.

There are flashes of Wickian irreverence here and there, though setting a violent beatdown to an upbeat pop song loses its charm the umpteenth time around. But “The Continental” still comes off like a grave misunderstanding of what enthusiasts might want from a “John Wick” without John Wick.

The rest of the review contains light spoilers for the series and a HUGE spoiler for John Wick 4.

If you’re looking for some A+ Schwimmer content, I humbly recommend viewing the season of ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ where he steps in for Ben Stiller to play Leo Bloom opposite Larry’s Max Bialystock in Mel Brooks’ ‘The Producers.’ It is Season 4 and IMO the GOAT Curb season.

I also highly HIGHLY recommend this movie, which was very underrated and Schwimmer was fantastic in it. It’s an HBO movie/biopic about the guys who invented silicone breast implants, co-starring Chris Cooper who is also great:


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oh just fuck off

What’s next, $16/month for “Prime” membership but if you want free shipping it’s an extra 3 bones?

Bald asswipe


Schwimmer was good on Curb, but I have to say it didn’t do him any favors to have to follow up Ben Stiller as a replacement, because the Stiller/Larry dynamic was incredible.

I may have encountered Breast Men as a teenager when surfing the cable movie channels, and may have been crestfallen to discover that it was a legitimate movie rather than what I thought I was clicking on.


It’s in the running for sure. The Car Pool Lane and The Surrogate are back to back BANGER episodes in the middle of that season, they’re arguably the two best episodes of the entire show and hit the absolute perfect notes of CYE humor.


+1. Every scene with Mel onscreen is just pure magic, too.

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Schwimmer just nailed the dickish turd soooo perfectly, though. The casual viewer would not be able to help but honestly believe that Schwimmer legit hates Larry with every single fiber of his being.

And yeah, same about ‘Breast Men’ lol. But I was pleasantly surprised at what it turned out to be. I had no idea what all went on behind the scenes and what happened to those guys. Not even sure if it checks the comedy or drama box, maybe a bit of both?

Fun CYE experience in my household. When my wife and I met over 15 years ago, I tried to get her to watch CYE and she couldn’t watch it (“It’s not funny, he’s an anti social lunatic. He needs counselling.”) Fast forward 15 years and now she loves CYE (“LOL he reminds me of how stupid you are around people!”).


heh my ex was a huge Friends slappy, and I never really cared for the show. We both enjoyed Curb, though. We had an actual real argument when she took Schwimmer’s side over the watch incident.


Oh and legit the hardest I laughed throughout that series is when Larry left that mistaken profane voice mail on Schwimmer’s dad’s phone after the accident, just cheek-pain laughter :rofl:

ETA oh and TIL that the woman in the burqa in the Blind Date episode was Moon Zappa :astonished:

Schwimmer on Curb was still basically Ross to me, just slightly less affable.

Nah, strongly disagree. Ross was goofy and a little “off” and at least trying to be funny, where Curb Schwimmer felt like a professional actor trying to do this gig and hopefully it will lead to something else, meanwhile this doosh Larry David is fucking it all up and it’s pissing him off. And I thought he actually seemed pissed off and hated Larry’s guts! Totally bought it.

I get the sentiment and opinion, though, because he was on that show for so damn long it’s difficult to separate him from it, same with like Jason Alexander. Part of it is his voice and personality too I guess.

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