The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

He was excellent in Band of Brothers also.

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Ya know, thats one I havent seen and need to get around on. Knowing hes in it will raise my levels of wanting to see it. Might put it as the next legacy show to watch after Friends. We are working our way through the HBO back catalogue, Sopranos first then Friends. Was gonna suggest The Wire next, but BoB is shorter so might be a good one to tackle

I’ve been on the Band of Brothers, Pacific, Generation Kill rewatch train lately and they all go together well imo. Can almost treat them like 3 seasons of the same show.


Also have to fit Six Feet Under in somewhere. Ive always wanted to see it but haven’t. Just know it has Casey McCall as one of the leads and supposedly one of the all time great finales

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Nice, ill take a look at them. War stories are not high on either of our genre lists, but she did like Saving Private Ryan

Pretty good ad for a scammy micro transaction pile of shit though

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I am not a war film guy as a general rule, but liked Saving Private Ryan a lot, and I don’t think I got through episode 3 of Band of Brothers. Your mileage may vary, of course. It’s obviously got a stellar rep.

Oh man

The saga when Joey and Rachel tried to date still chills me to my core.

Schwimmer has certainly continued to work, but hasn’t really done anything that has been particularly notable to the public. He’s done a bunch of theater and directing, which generally isn’t on most people’s radars. He did get nominated for a Primetime Emmy for playing Robert Kardashian in The People vs. OJ Simpson.

Interestingly, he’s on the Board of Directors of The Rape Foundation in Santa Monica, CA (it’s to help rape victims, it’s not a foundation to support rape).

His greatest work, though:


I’m not sure about this.

Or rather, I think he was given a fair shot and did okay. Consider that the height of his fame, he took roles in movies like The Pallbearer, which while being Matt Reeves’ directorial debut, it’s nowhere near as good as Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

Then he did stuff like Six Days and Seven Nights, where he may as well have been the sacrificial lamb as the guy Anne Heche was supposed to choose over Harrison fucking Ford lol. All that did was highlight how charming David Schwimmer is NOT. And not because he isn’t charming, but compared to Harrison Ford in HIS prime?!! If you make the audience feel from the opening frame like the romantic conflict is an easy decision, that’s a potentially catastrophic takeaway perception of the actor.

I’m not saying this stuff always adds up over time to the audience never really finding an actor to as an A-list box office draw, but I think it really can be like that speech from Al Pacino to Leo DiCaprio in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood about how they’ll take some actors and use them as punching bags to enrich how the audience experiences an underappreciated actor.

It barely worked for Keanu Reeves vs Jack Nicholson with Diane Keaton in Something’s Gotta Give, and IMO that was only because Keanu was just THAT much younger than Diane Keaton when the movie was made that we felt like her choosing Jack wasn’t because we didn’t wish there was a way for her to be with Keanu.

I want to say that’s because David Scwimmer is talented but just doesn’t have “it,” but then I read your comments about his performances and I wonder if he really could have had a different career if he had done a lot more serious character stuff. I don’t think he seems impressive if only seen in Friends, but when I watch him in something like The People v. O. J. Simpson: American Crime Story, I think okay, this guy just needs to be in a Tarantino movie and we’d all suddenly see what everyone but CanadaMatt3004 has been missing.

Band of Brothers is a GOAT tier miniseries for me


A while back I saw that ALF was on one of the free streaming sites and tried to give it a go. It was really, really bad. I couldn’t make it through two episodes. It was unwatchable. Even the strong feelings of nostalgia I had for it couldn’t save it.

The whole show is unfunny. It blows me away how popular the show is outside of America. You’d think it was the only sitcom that ever existed.


Ross was a great character early on but degraded into a caraciture of himself as the series went on.

Chandler too was brilliant with his biting sarcasm early on but devolved into something of a weenie.

Monica was never funny and was by far the weakest character on the show.

Joey remained Joey throughout and was always hilarious but his character never evolved.

Phoebe was the most consistently funny.

Rachel was the only one who had proper character growth–from a rich spoiled brat with no clue how the real world worked, to a struggling waitress, to a career woman, to a mother, and was therefore the best character.

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This sounds like the analysis of a dramatic character. But since this is a sitcom with the emotional depth of a mud puddle, “best character” is purely an exercise in sort-by-funny IMO.

Ooh, ooh, did you say “clogs” or “claws”?


Rachel fucking sucked.

Friends while not good was miles above it’s relative competition / knock offs. I’d way rather watch any ep from S1 through 5 than any ep of HIMYM.

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I was just old enough to remember my friend’s parents complaining that this new show Friends was just a bad ripoff of Thirty Something.

Thirty Something focuses on a group of baby boomers in their thirties who live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and how they handle the lifestyle that dominated American culture during the 1980s given their involvement in the early 1970s counterculture as young adults.


I remember Thirty Something. It felt groundbreaking when it began but the characters soon became annoyingly neurotic. Though it wasn’t at all a comedy if I recall correctly.


Yeah I don’t remember it being a comedy.

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